Raphael Santiago😏

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Imagine: Telling Raphael you love him.
You had been fighting with Raphael for the past couple of weeks, he'd been staying in your apartment but a few days ago you showed up and you couldn't find him anywhere. You were too angry to call or text him at first but when you finally he did he didn't answer or pick up.
After another few days of this you started to get really worried.
Did you break up?
Was it over?
Did he find someone else?
Eventually your thoughts got too much and you rushed to Hotel DuMort, you weren't sure what you were going to say on your way there but by the time you reached the front door you had decided.
"Raphael!"You called as you rushed to where he'd usually be, ignoring to hungry stares and snarls from the other vampires. Raphael used to always escort you in, arm firmly around your waist, as sign to all the vampires that you weren't to be touched."Raphael, it's me! Where are you!"
You ran into the room and the door shut loudly behind you.
You jumped around to see Raphael standing there a half angry half surprised look on his face.
"Dios mío, Y/N!"He shouted."What the hell are you doing here?"
"I have something to tell you."You started."Raphael, I miss you, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I've never been happier than when I'm with you and I know I'm stubborn which is a pain in your ass but you have to understand that I can protect myself-"
"For gods sake what are you trying to say?"Raphael cut you off, seeming irritated.
"I love you."You blurted out."I love you so much, Raph, please please please take me back!"
"Take you back?"The vampire walked towards you and pulled you into his arms, kissing your head."Mi amor, we never broke up. You are the only woman I ever want to be with and the last few days were hell being apart from you. I love you, Y/N."

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