Dear Dad Part Two

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Anyone still reading, more of why I hate my dad.

let me know when it starts to repeat.

Dear Dad,

This is your beloved daughter, Lindsey. Yes I still have ways to tell you it is your fault.

You know how some peoples fear is being smothered to death or getting shot. My fear is being abandoned, or never being enough.

Cause time after time, you left us or kicked us out. We were never good enough for you. We are humans not your little play things, not your puppets for you to pull strings.

We are still never enough, it is always our fault one way or another. You have left me and always blamed the one consistent thing in my life.

You always act like I am a little kid. Not knowing when you take me with you to get weed. Thinking that getting me starburst would stop from noticing the weed you are handed.

So I am not some dumb little kid that doesn't notice when her dad is buying weed.

And when you didn't abandoned us, you tortured us or specifically my mom. Because she call the cops.

But guess what this isn't the first time you did this. You had a son before me.

With his mother and did the same exact fucking thing. Yet you didn't learn from your mistakes.

You know the song 'love the way you lie' in the song Eminem admits when he took it too far. You act like you are doing us a favor.

Beating her is doing me a favor.

You remember that time you threw my bird Maya at the sliding glass door, well guess who does.....ME!!!

You act like because you forgot means I did.

I moved 14 times because of you. Been to 5 shelters so far. And been to seven schools. I am 13. How the fuck does this happen.

Yet every time you leave I still cry. Why you ask, I would like to know to. You have caused me so much pain. Yet I still love you. Why.

Why do I love you. Why!?

Why did you have to put me through this, when all I did was love you. All I did was love my father and I get this.

I found this saying 'Loving to hate and hating to love.' Thats how I feel.


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