Chapter 5

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In the years pass, I have so many encounter, an encounter that never to be explained of the guinuity of it's actuality. There are lots to be recognise, of how the surrounding cope up with one another. They are dark, they jest, of the way they are living and the way of the people, they do what they do, they are all dead. They come and go anywhere. They cling to people they like to ruin. They thought they are involve in everything while life on earth I know was for the living. And I have an undermined form of questions to ask, what who will going to answer me but the wicked one's. Who can explain to the going of the spirits of man, and why those dead are still walking, and ancient people of the earth still mingling here with the living of the current life?

There are lots of questions and an unanswered thoughts of man. Who knows when will the true Lord of all and God of all will disclosed the truth? If the answer is with me and now, how can I share the things I know and learned about these undesirable beings. If he once destroyed the earth with water then, what will be the last chance for those that wanting salvation?

I have in my Visions, a way of the end and according to what I saw, that one day the earth will be transformed according to the idea of who made it. And one of the falling thoughts maybe.

Ugly things starts I know with ugly thoughts. But when will the beautiful things starts if the idea was to ruin the beauty of beauty?

The experience I have now is excruciating to the point of hating my life. This was never thought to be like this and to every person in a simple lifestyle. And everything starts with what I know is right thing to do. A prayer all I know that can save me from my unknown life of living as living one. I thought to myself that I am a dead in faith. Who knows me well is the one who searches the mind and heart. I was reborn as if I was a dead one a long time ago. And my life goes up and now sagging down to the nearest valley of death. I hate to know that it is one of the way I have to go. I hate to know that this is one to be called a failure of understanding. I hate to hate but what can I do now? Wait till the answer of my prayer be given tome at the right timing.

I know to myself that I have sinned. And  noone in this world has no sin. Exempt yourself and you are a LIAR.

Death was the cruel one. Who holds it brings all sorts of pain, and all pestilences, and the darkness of life of the living. I heard them waiting for their chance, for the power of what I know is already a work of the one who gives death. If this is a reality, who else asking for their works? Is there a slot of work remained for those who like the works of Death?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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