Ch. 6

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Kaminari came back and sat down next to me. I was so tired from crying so I just lean on his shoulder. He combs my hair with his fingers, it was calming. "You can go to sleep, I'll stay here," he says. I close my eyes and start to drift of.

"Thank you," I say quietly. I fall into slumber dreaming of my home. I walk into the grand throne room where my mother sat upon a giant seat of gold and velvet. "Mom!" I call, but she doesn't hear me. She just sits with her head in her hand, bags under her eyes, and her eyes were red and puffy from what I assumed to be crying. I walk over to her and sit next to her on the throne. I lean against her, yearning for her touch. I missed her after all. When I leaned in to hug her, she just said one thing.

"Oh, Izu, please be okay." The world started to fade. I woke up next to Kaminari as he laid next to me sleeping. It seemed ti be the next morning, due to the sound of morning birds tweeting and the light growing from outside the tent. I sit up and go to mive to the entrence when I'm stopped by a chain around my ankle. The clank of the metal against the pole that was staked into the ground. Why was it back? I freak out and started to tug against the chaun, waking in Kaminari.

"Woah, hey man calm down," he says running towards me. He takes me hands and pins me against the ground, making me freak out more. I thought he was nice!

"Let me go!" I yell.

"Please just stop struggling Midoriya, I don't want to hurt you."

"Then let me go!" I cry.

"I can't," he says. "Katsuki's rule. He wanted you chained up as soon as the bandages came off. There's nothing I can do about this Midoriya, so please just calm down." Tears are streaming down my face at this point as I stop struggling. Kaminari gets off me and pulls me into a hug, at which I push him away. This seemed to hurt his feelings, as he sadly looks at me. "I'll go get us some food," he says sadly as he walks out. I look at the chain around my ankle. Of course, now wouldve been the perfect time to escape, but this chain ruins it. I move under some blankets, warming my bare skin, and start to silently sob. Kaminari comes back in and jiggles me in my cocoon of blankets. "Come on man, time to eat." I don't bother moving, I'm not hungry. He sets the plate down and starts to rub my back through the blankets, I curl up at his touch.

"Go away," I say.

"Can't do that. I've been told to keep an eye on you," he replies. That makes me sad. Does that mean he didn't want to talk to me the entire time? "Don't think I didnt enjoy our conversation though. I enjoy talking to you." Can he read minds or something? I peak out of my blankets and move to him. I lay my head on his lap and close my eyes, but not trying to fall asleep. He combs my hair with his fingers. "Why don't you eat, the salad's pretty good," he days taking a munch if green.

"Not hungry," I mumble.

"I put some apple chunks in yours." This gets me intrested, but It's not convincing enough.

"Ochaco baked cookies too. I gave you one," he adds. He's convinced me. I sit up and look at the bowl of salad and sure enough, there was a chocolate chip cookie sitting on top. I pick up the bowl and set it on the blanket covering my lower half, and begin to munch on the greens. I always save the best for last. "How'd you sleep last night? You seem to sleep like a rock," he yawned. He mustve still been tired.

"I slept well, had a dream if my mom," I said quietly. "Are you tired?" I ask. He vigorously shakes his head and hand in rejection.

"No, no, no, no I'm fine, I'm always tired in the mornings so don't worry about me." I shurg and continue to eat all the greens, the the apples, and finally the cookie. I eat a couple nibbles before putting the rest aside. "You not gonna eat that?"

"Huh, oh, I'm saving it for later," i say. He gives a nod of understanding before finishing his food. He sets it aside before moving to me.

"You're hair is really soft. Mind if I braid it?"

"N-not at all. Go ahead," I say. He smirks and starts to comb through my hair with his fingers before taking a bit and braiding it. "How do you braid?" I ask after he'd done a couple pieces.

"I'll teach ya, watch how I do it on myself, okay?" I nod and I tunr to look at him. He braids his hair and I watch in amazement.

"Can I try?" I ask. He gives thumbs up in approval and lets me try on his hair. After a couple of times, I finally got it. "I did it!" I say in celebration. He clabs and laughs.

"Why don't you do some more. I think I'll look very pretty with braided hair," he jokes. So I do some more. After a good minute, the red haired alpha walks in. I freeze and move closer to Kaminari and start to growl protectively. "Hey calm down, he's cool remember," he says patting my head.

"Hey babe," says the red haired alpha. Kaminari stands up and gives the red haired alpha a hug and a peck on the lips, then gags and moves back to me. "What's wrong?" Kaminari plugs his nose and shoos him away.

"You reak of Katsuki," he says simply.

"Sorry about that, I'll wash up and come back. His rut really is going full swing. He's tried to head over here so many times today, it's ridiculous," the red haired alpha laughs.

"For Midoriya?" Kaminari asks.

"Yep, he's going crazy right now. Never have seen him act like this. Must be torture of the dude. I know how bad it is to be away from a mate during r-"

"I'm not his mate," I interupt. The red haired alpha looks at Kaminari with a concerned look in which he just shakes his head. "Really, because I could've sworn Katsuki sai-"

"How about you go take that shower," Kirishima says pushing him out.


"No buts, you smell bad," he said rushing him out. "Sorry about him," he turns around. I look down saddened. I really was going to be forced to be with that alpha, wasn't I? Tears formed in my eyes again and Kaminari rushes over to me. "Hey, don't cry! Why don't you keep braiding my hair, you do such a good job," he praises. I sniff and nod. I pull some more of his hair away and continue braiding. The red haired alpha comes back some time later with plates of what looks like meat, but smelled otherwise, if anything it smelled good. "Ooo vegeburgers!" Kaminari claps.

"Yep, thought you guys would've wanted it," he says setting the plates down. I growl as he was getting to close.

"Hey, Mido, bro, calm down. I told ya, he's cool. He won't hurt you." Yeah, I didnt stop, so the alpha sets it down and sits down on the other side if the room.

"Don't worry Midoriya, I'll just stay over here." Kaminari seems to whine from the distance, so I push him to the alpha. It is his alpha and everything. He goes over to his alpha and we eat from a distance. It was pretty good, with the lettuce, cheese, and sauces laid on it. It was nice and juicy, and didn't taste like animal.

"It's pretty good, isn't it," Kaminari said from his alpha's lap. His alpha laughs and wipes some sauce off his face.

"You're making a mess Denks," he laughs.

"Not like it matter Ei," Kaminari laughs back.

"So, what your name?" I ask his alpha.

"Oh, yeah, it'd probably be helpful if you knew my name wouldn't it. Well, my name is Kirishima Eijiro."

"Izuku Midoriya," I nod.

"Nice to formally meet you, kinda," he says from a distance.

"Yeah," I laugh uncomfortably. I still wasn't fine being close to him, but talking is a okay. Maybe I'll get closer to him. Maybe.

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