A Strange World(Prologue)

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After the defeat of the Icon of Sin, The Doom Slayer has been trailing hell in order to stop their unholy infection from spreading even more than it already has.
The demons are now preparing a large scale invasion of yet another dimension, Unluckily for them they were about to be visited by their old green friend.....

Slayers POV
These damn bastards are on to it again. There's hundreds of them here, probably a small world they're invading considering the invasion on earth ranged in the millions.
A Tyrant, Archvile and Marauder were leading this small group into this dimemsion. Following them were mostly imps, Hell Knights, some barons and some mancubi. "Warning slayer, this dimension is still uncharted to us, if you enter you will not be able to return to the fortress for at least 24 hours." Vega chimed in.
"I'll take that risk." The slayer thought.
No one's POV
So there he went, Came in blazing with his Chaingun attached with the mobile turret. Unleashing the wrath of 4 guns, he tore apart most of the imps, flesh and bone flying everywhere. Some hell knights faced him head on, Big mistake from them. A hell knight leaps to him and attempts to pound him into the ground. The slayer dashes under him and grabs him by the leg and rips it off then pounds his face into a bloody pulp with it. Another Knight throws a fist his way, he catches it and punches the Knight so hard that it just exploded into red mist. Barons came around and the Slayer pulled out his gigantic Super Shotgun. He shoots the meathook torward a baron and flings himself towards it, shooting it in the chest, chunks of flesh flying off, revealing the raging inferno beneath. The baron swings at him with his blades, He quickly dashed out of its way and switched to the rocket launcher. Locking on to it, 3 rockets quickly home it towards the baron, stunning it the slayer rips of one of its blades and guts it with it.
With the baron dealt with, mancubi started to shoot him from a far, he returned the favor by pulling out the BFG 9000. A gigantic orb fired out and decimated everything, only leaving the Tyrant, Archvile and Marauder.
Mr. Archie the asshole attempts to summon reinforcements,The Slayer pulled out his crucible and tore him in half. The tytyrant locks onto him with his launcher and fires, Slayer quickly dashes to break the lock on and meathooks his way to the tyrant's face. He stabs him in the eye and shoots two grenades dowm his throat. The tyrant blows up, raining blood over the surronding area.
Only the marauder remained and they locked eyes.
The marauder quickly charges at him, swinging his axe. He is met with a Super Shotgun blast right to the face, he quickly switches to the ballista and shoots him again. The marauder, shaking it off summons his wolf, The wolf is quickly dispatched by the slayer with a hearty punch. He staggers the marauder again with his SSG. He grabs his axe and decapitates him with it. The slayer looks at the portal and decides to go through it, in case some demons got through.

He gets in and awakes on a patch of golden flowers.
Yeah i know this is the third rewrite. Sue me lel.
Anyways i hope you enjoyed this. Updates are still gonna be slow.

 Updates are still gonna be slow

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Obligatory funi meme.

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