Chapter One

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Sasha Banks and Bayley were in the middle of a heated conversation on Monday Night Raw.

Bayley stood confidently with her Women's Championship belt on her shoulder. At the same time, Sasha seethed and went on about how she was used to help the champion retain her title.

Banks had hit her breaking point and wanting nothing more than to take Bayley's precious belt away.

Little did the Boss know, she wasn't the only one looking to dethrone Bayley.

The theme song of Gianna Vermont grabbed both their attention. They shared confused glances as the returning 3x Diva's Champion came out.

With a mic in her hand, Gianna looked better than ever.

There was a massive smile on her face as she took in the screaming fans who were stoked to see her.

She took off for a whole year after going through a traumatic divorce that left her depressed and helpless.

But now she was back, ready to further career doing what she loved the most.

Even more so, making the Women's Championship hers.

Gianna got inside the ring, approaching a bewildered Bayley and Sasha. She puts the mic up to her lips, but the chanting crowd made her pause.

She smiled, swallowing the happy tears that prodded at her eyelids.

Gianna was home, right where she belonged.

The crowd died down, and she holds the mic to her lips again.

"Sorry to uh, interrupt up, ladies, well, Sasha," she looks at the Boss. "It's just, this right here," she points to the two. "You two, and your on and off again relationship, its a little overdone. It's like . . . like . . . like AJ Lee and Paige all over again."

The crowd oooh-ed as she shook her head.

"I don't know about everyone else, but I'm over it. You're friends, then you're not friends. It's gotta stop girls. It's time to stop acting like children and woman the hell up. You see, the truth is Sasha, honey," she gave a condescending smile. "You had your chance, and you blew it. It's time to give someone else a go. Someone who really has what it takes."

Sasha chuckles in amusement, "and that's you? Sweetheart, you've been MIA for a whole year. You think you can just come in here and jump straight in front of the line? Sorry, that's now how it works. Besides, what makes you think you have what it takes?"

"Well, Sasha, I can show you better than I can tell you."

The crowd starts going wild as Gianna takes off her earrings, ready to go.

Sasha laughed, not taking her seriously. "Honestly, Gianna, you're wasting your time. Don't you have a failed marriage to worry about?"

Sasha's comment sent a bunch of ooh's over the crowd.

Gianna's grimaces for a second before slapping Sasha across the face.

Sasha whirls around, holding her stinging cheek. She goes to attack Gianna, who moves out of the way, so she hits Bayley in the face instead.

Sasha's jaw dropped as she watched a stunned Bayley look back at her.

In one snap, the two were going at it, passing blows back and forth.

Gianna kept her eyes locked on them as she stood in the corner.

Sasha goes for the Bankrupt, but Bailey counters with a Belly to Belly.

Bayley was so busy taunting at the screaming crowd, she didn't see her demise coming. The moment she turns around, Gianna hits her with her superkick. Also called: G - Ya Later.

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