Coming back

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8 months later

Yuzu was given a mission to return back home to protect the Aihara academy first Yuzu tried to declined but in the end her team was given the mission. Yuzu was staring at the window thinking of something she sigh and looked beside her and saw her cousin asleep she smiled how her cousin sleep peacefully and her smiled faded when she remembered something that she don't want to remember.


Mei looked at Yuzu who's breathing heavily "Mei I need to speak with you" Yuzu said with confidence Mei glared at her "I have many things to do I don't want to waste my time talking with you" Mei said which break Yuzu's heart she almost teared up but she held it "So I'm just a waste of time to you then" Yuzu mumbled Mei kept glaring at her "Students are not allowed to be outside of classes" Mei said sternly Yuzu looked at her "I just want to talk to y-" *SLAP* "Your a waste of my time brat!!" Mei exclaimed students gasp and Mei's eyes widen for slapping a student importantly she slaps her lover. Mei covered her mouth and teared up "Yuzu..I..I'm so-" Yuzu cuts her of "Sorry for wasting your time" Yuzu said and left. Mei looked at her figure disappear she regret it.

Yuzu was running away she stop as her phone ring she answer it "Hello?" Yuzu said  "Yuzu" Williem said "What" Yuzu said "Are you ok?" Williem asked Yuzu sigh "Yeah I'm fine and my flight will be tomorrow  morning" Yuzu said Williem sigh "Ok be careful cuz" Williem said Yuzu smiled "Yeah yeah yeah you too" Yuzu said and ended the call she sigh sadly 'I guess this is goodbye' Yuzu though while looking at the school.

End of Flashback

Yuzu was walking beside her team. Shai looked at Yuzu "Hey Yuz" Shai said Yuzu looked at her "Hmm" Yuzu said "I was wondering if we could visit untie first" Shai said Yuzu sigh and nod "Clarus, Matoi, and Yuma lets go Fatima and the others will arrive later so lets visit my mother first" Yuzu said They nod and followed Yuzu. After some few minutes they arrive at the Aihara apartment. Yuzu sigh and knock on the door soon the door was open by the raven haired girl. "Is mama home?" Yuzu asked Mei nod and let them come in Ume was watching TV "Hey mom" Yuzu said and Ume got up and hugged Yuzu tightly "Yuzu my baby I missed you" Ume said Yuzu hugged her mother back "I missed you too mother" Ume noticed four girls behind Yuzu she quickly recognized the white haired girl "Hi untie" Shai said waving at her Ume pulled away from Yuzu and hugged Shai. "Shai you've grown so much" Ume said Shai hugged back "hehe yeah" Shai said Ume pulled away and looked at the three girls Clarus looked at her "Oh Were sorry for not introducing I'm Clarus Tonitrus Its nice to meet you" Clarus said and bowed "I'm Matoi Sumeragi" Matoi said and smiled "And I'm Yuma Kusanagi" Yuma said and smiled warmly Ume smiled back "I'm Ume Aihara Yuzu's mother and this is Mei, Yuzu's little sister" Ume said Yuma looked at Mei and smiled "Nice to meet you" Yuma said Shai smiled and looked at Yuzu 'Oh right'  "Ehem...The real reason were here is grandfather wants you two to live with us" Shai said Ume looked at her confusedly "Why?" Ume asked Yuzu sigh "We will explain it later right now we need to go" Yuzu said Ume looked at her daughter "Alright" Ume said Yuzu called the driver. After the driver arrive Yuzu order them to carried all their belongings. They arrived to a big mansion Yuzu told Dan to take a day off Mei looked at Yuzu she noticed Yuzu wasn't smiling even once she saw her. Shai and Clarus noticed how Mei looked at Yuzu and reminded her of Saki. Saki had red hair and red eyes but the looked Mei was giving Yuzu was the same looked Saki gave Yuzu before they left. Suddenly Yuzu's phone rand Yuzu answered her phone "Saki I told you I'm fine jeez you worry to much" Yuzu said and the next thing Saki said to her make her blushed "Why wouldn't I be worry your my fiancé" Saki said Yuzu blushed deeply "Ok ok guess I'll see you later then" Yuzu said Saki giggled "Ok see you later puppy" Saki said Yuzu blushed "See you later kitty I love you" Yuzu said blushing Saki blushed and giggled "I love you too puppy bye" Saki said and hung up Yuzu sigh and tried to calm herself down. She walk back where the others are Shai looked at her and noticed her blushed "Looks liked someone's blushing" Shai teased Yuzu and Yuzu's face turn completely red in embarrassment Ume looked at her daughter and giggled Yuzu calm herself down "I'm going to get some sleep" Yuzu said and walked upstairs "Me too" Yuma said and walked to her room Shai looked at Clarus and Matoi "You two have to rest" Shai said the two looked at Shai and nod. Shai looked at Ume and Mei "I'll explain everything" Shai said.


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