The Prophecy

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A/N: The PJO and HoO series, and all the characters are owned by Rick Riordan, except for Dawn, Mrs McCarthy, Mrs Perkins, Carrie and Kylie.
And, guys, if you read this, PLEASE take the time to leave a comment, okay?

That was all she could say when she saw Camp Half-Blood for the first time. They had just landed on Half-Blood Hill, the next evening and Carrie had flown off to the stables. Grover grinned as she gazed out at the valley, the strawberry fields, the Big House, the volleyball pits, the camp store, the amphitheater, the arena, the cabins, the armoury, the creek, the woods, everything.
Once they had stopped screaming, Grover had started telling her about Camp. He told her about the wild games of tag the satyrs and nymphs played, his girlfriend Juniper, the Council of Cloven Elders, his searcher's license, to NEVER EVER litter in the woods or creek or the dryads/naiads would murder you on the spot, the Oracle, Chiron, Mr.D, being claimed by your godly parent, the training the campers received, the songs they sang at the campfire, the Capture the Flag games they played, the pranks the different cabins pulled on each other (obviously the Hermes cabin had the record), how to steer clear of the Ares cabin, summer reports, and, of course, all about the gods and goddesses. Her old life already seemed like a hazy dream. She couldn't wait to start her new life at Camp.
Grover had also told her about the Second Titan War and the Second Giant War. It was all such a long story that he hadn't finished yet but Dawn had got most of it. She couldn't believe how much Percy and Annabeth had gone through. They were a lot tougher than they looked-like ordinary teens.
'Come on, Dawn!'
She realized Grover was already jogging down the hill and sped up to keep up with him. At the bottom,she turned and looked back at the Athena Parthenos and the Golden Fleece glimmering in the sunlight at the top of Half-Blood Hill.
'A new camper?'
She heard a voice and turned around. A man with a kindly smile, curly hair and a trimmed beard stood in front of her. Well, not exactly a man. His bottom half was a horse. Dawn realized that this was Chiron, the centaur and the activities director at the camp whom Grover had told her about. He was standing next to Chiron now, having just finished telling him about Dawn.
'Welcome to Camp,' Chiron smiled down at her.' I am Chiron,the activ-'
'The activities director,' Dawn finished for him.'I'm Dawn McCarthy.'
Chiron raised an eyebrow, looking toward Grover.
'I see you've been well informed of the camp by Grover,' he said. 'That will simplify matters. I presume you don't know who your godly parent is?'
'No,' Dawn said. 'My mom never told me my father was a god. I don't even know if she knew that. She died when I was ten, so I've been living in some orphanages over the past-'
'Chiron! Do stop all that talk and come finish our pinochle game! Really, you take too much interest in these brats. Send her off to the Hermes cabin and get rid of her.'
Dawn looked around. A potbellied man in a loud shirt was sitting in a chair on the porch of the Big House, looking annoyed.
'Mr D.?' She asked.
'Well, of course!' He looked her up and down. 'Dianne McDonald, isn't it?'
'Well, run along to the Hermes cabin and stop lingering,' he interrupted. 'We've got a game to finish.'
Chiron looked apologetic.
'I'm afraid you'll have to go. Grover, take her, please.'
He cantered back to the porch and she set off with Grover. All the kids in the volleyball pits had stopped their games and were staring at her. She was uncomfortably aware of her old, faded clothes and wished she had another set to change into.
They reached the cabins,all different from each other in almost every aspect. She glanced at the empty Poseidon cabin, the Zeus cabin outside which she could see a blonde boy talking to a pale, dark haired one, the Hades cabin which looked like it was being given the redecoration it was seriously in need of, the Demeter cabin with flowerpots on the windowsills and a grass roof, the Athena cabin with its...
'Here we are,' Grover said, stopping outside an old cabin with peeling paint.'The Hermes cabin.'
He poked his head in through the door.
'New camper!'
Immediately, a swarm of kids rushed outside. They stared at Dawn with interest.
Two boys who seemed to be the leaders came up to her.
'Travis and Connor Stoll,' they said unanimously. 'And you are?'
'Dawn McCarthy,' she told them, sizing up their mischievous expressions and deciding to keep an eye on her pockets.
'Hermes cabin?' Travis sounded so eager she felt sorry for him.
'Undetermined, actually.'
'Oh.' They both looked disappointed but smoothed it over quickly.'Welcome to Cabin Eleven. Come on in!'
Dawn followed them in. The place was so crowded she wondered if she would have to crash on the doorstep.
'You can have that spot,' Travis announced, pointing to a tiny space at the very end.
'You should put your stuff there-'
'And get it stolen in a matter of seconds?' She asked.
They both looked impressed.
'Grover's told me practically everything about the camp,' she explained. 'Even if he hadn't, I'm not dumb. Your dad is the god of thieves.'
'Oh, well,' Connor said, resignedly. 'You'd better get a tour of the camp.'
Dawn nodded and went with them. Had she just made two friends? She wasn't sure but she hoped so. She had liked the brothers the moment she saw them, even if she hadn't trusted them.

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