7 | Fight on sea / Saving you

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The fake captain jumped down the railings while Jotaro summoned Star Platinum.

"Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora, Ora. Ora!"
Star Platinum hit Dark Blue Moon, the fake captain's Stand, several times with immense speed in midair, knocking the enemy Stand out with a final Ora.

Dark Blue Moon let go of the girl, leading me to extract White Snow to catch her. I was leaning against the railings while looking at the girl hanging on White Snow's hand.

The fake captain was floating on the sea, apparently drifting away from us.

"There he goes. He talked up his Stand so much, I expected more, but in the end it was just a blabbering idiot."
Polnareff remarked while I tried to pull the little girl up, but somehow I got dragged down.

"Need a hand, Karolina?"
Jotaro asked me as he was slowly approaching me while I was further pushed down the railings.

Jotaro and I were both looking down at White Snow holding the little girl when we noticed something growing on White Snow's arms.

"I.. I get dragged down..!"
I muttered in shock as both of my arms started to bleed, leading Jotaro to hold onto my upper body from behind.

The others approached the railings now as well, looking down at White Snow being stuck on the side of the boat.

"Those are barnacles! Crustaceans that live between high and low tides."
Kakyoin informed us before I groaned in pain.

"He still got some fight left in him. He must have attached them on White Snow when she reached out for that girl. Those damn things keep multiplying!"
Jotaro exclaimed as he also started to struggle holding me up.

"They are draining my strength..!"
I informed the others, sounding slightly deranged since I was pressed against the railing with my chest.

"The captain has disappeared, I can't see him in the water anymore!"
Joseph noticed before speaking to me.
"Caroline, pull in your Stand!"
"It's not like I'm not trying! It doesn't work!"

Jotaro yelled before hitting the barnacles with Star Platinum.
"No, Jotaro! It's spreading over to your hand now!"
I noticed while the barnacles on White Snow's arms fell off.

While I was freed from the tight grip, Jotaro was pulled into the water by the barnacles.

I yelled while pulling the girl back up on deck.

Kakyoin, Polnareff, Avdol and Joseph were looking into the water to spot Jotaro while I put my hair into a ponytail.
"I will get into the water to help him."

With shaky and bloody hands, I tried to climb over the railings before Polnareff pulled me against him.
"Hey, mademoiselle, you shouldn't go in there, your arms are hurt. Also, didn't I stab your Stand's hand yesterday?"
"Don't worry about it, the wound on my hand was not that bad. See? Also, yeah, my arms.."
I showed Polnareff my left hand which was hurt yesterday, looking at my other arm in the meantime.

"Anyway, Jotaro should get to the surface soon or else we have to interfere."
I noted just when the boat started to move violently.
"A giant whirlpool! It must have him trapped!"
Avdol remarked while all of us held onto the railing.

"Where the hell is JoJo?!"
Polnareff asked before Kakyoin decided to act.
"Let's go and save him!"

All of us summoned our Stands, except for Joseph, since his Stand wouldn't have helped in this situation.

Hierophant Green was the first one to try and dive in, but it quickly moved back after something repelled it from doing so. In that moment, Kakoyin's hand started to bleed.

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x OC | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now