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"sunghoon wake up quickly ,you will be late for practice!"

A little boy peaked his head out from the big fluffy blanket..letting out a tiny whine..

" Mom can I not go today?"

"You say that every day,sunghoonie.." his mom said without turning her head...

The boy groaned pulling the covers over his head again " but it's not fun there! No one wants to talk to me! No one wants to play with me!"

His mom knew that.. she knew sunghoon wasn't that best with new takes a long time for her son to be comfortable around worried her a lot but if she listened to him.. sunghoon wouldn't be able to make any any friends of his she came forward and sat down beside him, removing the cover she caressed his hair..

"Sunghoon you are such a good boy why wouldn't anyone want to play with you?.."

"They don't-"

"Will you try? I know you can.." she took a pause " for your mom? " She smiled sweetly.

Sunghoon looked at his mom..his lips stayed pursed for a little while.. but
Then he came down from the big bed sloppily.. He still shook his head a little annoyed..

After he was gone ..her mom let out a sigh..

"It will be fine don't worry.."
Sunghoon's mom got startled.
She didn't realise when
Sunghoon's dad came at the doorstep..

She just shrugged her shoulder at that...

"Let's hope so"

//Later at the rink//

"Sunghoon do well,okay?" His mom came to drop him at the skating rink..

Sunghoon nodded his head.

He was about to go in but then stopped on his track.. he turned around

"Mom if I do well,I can go home quickly right? "

His mom didn't know how to answer that..

She just stood still and tried to smile.

"Yup! Finish quickly and we will go to eat ice cream together,okay? "

Sunghoon face lit up immediately


Saying a clumsy good bye to his mom the little boy quickly ran.

The teacher was waiting for him,she really loved sunghoon a lot. I mean who wouldn't to be honest.. she also felt bad for him, sunghoon looked like a lost puppy at the's been over two years now, he still struggles with the people there..

She helped sunghoon to put on the shoes..

Sunghoon gave a tiny smile

" Teacher , mom said she will buy me ice cream if I did good~"

The teacher also returned the smile

"Oh did she? That means sunghoonie will do great today right?"

Sunghoon moved his head up and down very fast.

He excitedly went to the rink. After Warming up a bit he started doing his routine...not to brag but sunghoon was pretty good at it..

He could pretty much Excel every moves... except for that jump....
He has been struggling with it for a while now .. 

He is still failing at it miserably..which is making him more and more annoyed by the time.. the teacher was cheering for him but at this point he couldn't hear it.. He wanted to finish it as soon as possible but even if he tries he can't..

For the last time he stood up , taking a deep breath he started doing the whole routine once again...this time he was feeling confident..

'Sunghoon you can do it!' he told himself

It was going great, he did the spin well,he did the turn well, he was feeling comfortable...

But the moment he jumped he knew .....he messed up...he messed up bad....his legs turned the wrong way and he was pretty certain he was gonna fall on the cold hard surface...or atleast gonna twist his ankle...

After two years of practicing Falling wasn't anything new to him but for some reason this time he was scared..he was a little boy afterall. He could hear his teacher calling his name

he was frozen he couldn't do anything but to wait for the fall to come...

But the fall wasn't that hard?
He felt something soft underneath him .. which confused him..  sunghoon was definitely still in a shock over what happened, he quickly blinked twice to understand what's going on....
He noticed A person... A person was holding him in place..

It was a boy actually...
Probably the same age as him..

Who Sunghoon had never seen  before at the rink.

Sunghoon was staring for a while now so  the boy  finally spoke up

"Will you move now? You seem fine..."

That caught him off-guard and
Sunghoon quickly got embarrassed , he moved away from him at a lightning speed.
He wanted to thank the boy but before that He heard his teacher calling him..

Sunghoon looked at her..some of the other kids were also coming to check what happened...

Sunghoon fumbled to stand up..

"I am fine!!" He yelled waving his hand

Hearing him the teacher sighed in relief...the kids started surrounding him.. asking him what happened..if he was hurt..

Answering all of them
Sunghoon totally forgot about the boy who saved him..

"-Yeah but he saved me" sunghoon finished

They gave him a confused look
"What do you mean by he?"

Sunghoon quickly pointed at the place where the boy was but there was no one..

He felt awkward. He didn't know what to say..did the boy leave because he didn't thank him?

Sunghoon was cut from his thoughts by the voice of an older girl...

"Sunghoon Teacher told you to go home today,you should get some rest"

"But-" sunghoon tried to speak

"You can talk to the teacher" she spoke over him...

So he slowly nodded and went to the teacher to talk...

To be honest Sunghoon was still looking for the boy he saw ,how did he disappear so quickly?... And how come he never noticed him before..

'i really wanted to thank him' sunghoon mumbled..

His shoulder fell quietly.


English is not my first language so please bear with the mistakes :((

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