Chapter 2: Loner Boy

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*Aarons pov*
I could hear the classroom chatter around me as i scribbled in my journal about experiencing high school for the 6th? Maybe 7th time. I hardly remember. I was lost in my thoughts when i hear Mr. Clarks voice.
" Mr. Jones, I assure you that he will be able to get you familiar with the material, he's very good."
He turns to me.
" I trust you'll take good care of Ms. Diaz, she's special".
"Yessir, i'll take care of her" I respond to him confidently, knowing exactly how special she is. I couldn't help by stare at her as she clumsily sits in her seat. God she's beautiful. Her palms were sweaty and i could hear how fast her heart was beating; she must be nervous. We talk for the rest of class as i hang onto every word she says and watches as it leaves her lips.
We walk to her next class.
"So new girl, tell me about yourself. What's your story?" I waited eagerly for her to speak.
*Genevieves pov*
He starred at me with these big glassy eyes that are barely visible under his messy wavy hair, hidden beneath his beanie. I didn't know what I was suppose to say to him. I stumble on my words trying to find a way to change the subject.
"Uh you should probably head to your class Aaron you don't want to be late. I know the halls enough to find my class, thanks to you obviously."
He paused for a second, realizing that he'd been turned down. I can see his smirk drop a bit and my heart feels heavy.
"Don't worry about me new girl I'll be okay. Let's make sure you get to the right classroom."
I feel relieved and i know i probably shouldn't. We walk the rest of the way in silence.
"Here's your class new girl and here's my number, just in case you get lost again. I'll come whenever you need me to." He reaches in his bag and pulls out a notebook and scribbles his number on the page. He tilts the notebook away from me so i couldn't see. I giggle curiously, wondering what he's up to. He then ripped the piece of paper out, folds it and hands it to me. I grab it eagerly, it reads
"404-457-1200. I hope one day you feel comfortable enough to open up to me. Until then, i'll be here waiting. - Aaron"
I blush and hear the late bell. I gently put the note in my bag as i rush to my next class.
*End of the day*
It's 3:15 and the last bell just rang for us to go home and i'm dreading it. Although i told my mom i was going to a job interview after class so i wouldn't be home soon, she didn't seem to care. I don't even have an interview today. I was just hoping she'd care i was doing something for myself. I sighed loudly and my shoulders felt like a thousand pounds each.
I usually try not think about her but sometimes i just can't help but care.
I feel my phone vibrate in my bag and i answer cautiously. "Uh hello?" A familiar voice echos through the phone, "Omg Aaron!!!! Hey what's up!" I said a bit more excited than i intended.
"Hey new girl, you busy tonight?"
"Well actually i was going to go home and watch all the reruns of supernatural on cable if you call that busy." I let out a small laugh followed by a snort. I immediately grow quiet. How embarrassing!!!
He laughs "I'm taking you out tonight new girl so make sure you're ready by 7. I'll pick you up." I could hear how amused he is while he finishes speaking.
"Okay fine loner boy, you can pick me up under one condition."
He chuckles "And what's that?"
"No making fun of my snort!!! Ever!!!" I say sternly with a smile.
"Okay new girl, you got it."
I hang up and head home to get ready for the party. My heart races and i wonder if it's because of the party or because of him.

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