Chapter 18:

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"Riley girl, get over here and give me a hug, babycakes." Charlie hollered over all of the other people trying to eat their breakfast in peace.

I walked over towards their table, still holding Jessa. Aiden and I scrambled to keep up with her long legs. I was panicking when I got to the table on the other side of the restaurant. I felt Charlie's arms wrap around me. He picked me up and swung me around like Aiden did to Jessa. He placed me back down and grabbed my hands. Charlie looked back at Aiden and down to my hand, most likely looking for the same thing Luanne was looking for earlier. No ring, I was single and pathetic everybody. Charlie leaned back and looked me over from head to toe and whistled. My cheeks were almost purple from the attention.

"Damn, you are more delicious than ever. How's that right hook of yours?" He joked with me.

"Not sure. I haven't needed it in a while." I said, biting the inside of my cheek.

I still hadn't dared to look over to where Ezra was. I could feel his eyes on me and I knew his were not the only eyes staring at me from across the table. Aiden, on the other hand, was staring directly at the table, about to jump over it to get to Ezra.

"Aiden, Riley." Ezra said, clearing his throat to find his voice again. His voice shook a little as he spoke. It was almost imperceptible. I wondered if anyone else had noticed his confidence wavering.

"Ezra." Aiden said harshly.

"Ezwa!" Jessa yelled and practically leapt from Luanne's arms into his. Next to Ezra was his fiancé Jenna; her dark eyes were filled with hate as she stared me down. She pulled her face in a frown when she looked at me. She turned back to Ezra and crossed her arms over her chest. She looked like she wanted to punch him. Jenna recognized me from the bar. I knew it immediately. Ezra must not have told her the truth about who I was. He gave her a sheepish look back. He knew he was caught.

"You guys should have breakfast with us." Luanne suggested.

"NO!" Ezra and I both yelled in unison.

"We're all adults here. Well, except that little doll baby." Charlie said, pointing at Jessa. Charlie sat back down and stared at his nephew, challenging him. He looked back over his shoulder at me and said, "I would be totally offended if you three don't join us. Riley, you don't want to break an old man's heart, do you?"

I looked over to Aiden, who shrugged. He was going to do whatever I told him we were going to do. I looked at Jessa, who was wrapped up in her Dad. She wasn't going to help me and if I tried to pull her away now, even if Unca Den was with us. I sighed, giving in even though I knew it was a mistake.

Charlie grinned the same wicked half-smile his nephew used to give me when he knew he had won. It was the same look Jessa gave me earlier today. Damn this family with their strong genes. Charlie called over to the waitress, asking for three more place settings.

Luanne sat down on the other side of Ezra and stroked Jessa's leg. Charlie moved down a seat and patted the chair for me to sit next to him. Charlie conveniently sat me directly across from Ezra. I swear Charlie had planned it this way when he invited us to eat with them. Aiden moved to sit on my other side. He grabbed my hand under the table and squeezed it to reassure me he was here for me.

We all sat quietly until Luanne broke the silence. "So, Riley, what have you been up to since we last saw you?"

"Just working a lot and taking care of Jessa." I said, sipping a glass of water. I didn't even have to look back over at Jenna or Ezra; they both were still staring at me.

"So, how long have you two been together?" Charlie asked, motioning to Aiden and me.

"We're not together." I said too quickly before I could catch myself. Aiden squeezed my hand tighter under the table and kicked me.

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