Day 13 - Equipment

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"Hey, Neku, today's the last day of the Game, right?" Shiki asked Neku, "And we have to fight that large muscular dude, yeah?"

"Yeah, that's right," Neku replied.

"Then, how about, before we go fight him, we go grab some equipment?" Shiki proposed, "We could get you some new pins, or something!" 

"Alright, I guess," Neku said, trying to open up to Shiki's shenanigans, "Whatever."

 After the previous day's events, he was finally able to see Shiki for who she really was, and realized that she was just like him. He had decided to take Shiki's instructions to open up to people to heart. Hell, if Shiki could overcome her jealousy, he would have to overcome his problems, and work with Shiki, to win the game. But, now, he found himself wanting to know Shiki better, as a person. He now viewed her as a person, not as a tool to help him win the Game.

The two of them walked into AMX, and walked over to the Pin section, browsing it. 

"Oooooh, how about this pin? I bet the psyche for it is pretty powerful," Shiki said. 

"Nah, it's not my thing," Neku said, although he really just didn't want to talk to the store clerk.

This continued on for some time, with Shiki picking out certain pins she liked, and Neku declining them.


"Come ON, Neku," Shiki pouted, "We've got to get some new equipment if we want a chance to beat that huge Reaper!"

"Nah, we really don't," Neku replied, "Equipment doesn't really matter that much."

"It doesn't matter that much? Neku, don't you know how important it is?" Shiki asked.

"Yea, cause that's not what matters," Neku replied, "Equipment will do nothing if you don't have a bond with your partner. So, we should have spent this time getting to know eachother. Just looking around this store will do nothing."

"Neku," Shiki said, taken aback by Neku's willingness to open up to her, "...Thank you so much. Yeah, let's get to know eachother."

"...That doesn't mean I'm gonna start opening up to people yet," Neku added, "Just to you. For now." 

"I'm honored," Shiki laughed. 


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