The meeting.

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There was a dark fog until a bright light shined then there was the pjmask.
Catboy : Um where am I.
Owlette : Catboy is it you.
Catboy : Owlette where are you.
Then suddenly catboy and Owlette bumped to each other.
Catboy : Owlette is it you.
Owlette : Catboy.
They hugged each other and then suddenly a lizard bumped to them.
Gekko : Catboy and Owlette is it you.
Catboy and Owlette : Gekko.
Gekko : Where are we.
Unknown : You are in a magical place.
Catboy, Owlette and Gekko : Who are you.
Unknown : Hi I am harry Potter but I prefer most of people call me harry.
Catboy : Hi Harry where are we.
Harry : You are in a ask and dare game.
Catboy : Us only.
Harry : Oops I almost forgot *snaps hand*.
Immediately Night Ninja and Anyu came out of nowhere and accidentally kicked harry.
Night Ninja : Where are we.
Anyu : I thought we were at mystery mountain fighting each other.
Harry : Ouch.
Then harry snaps his hands and then Armadylan, batarina and the wolfies came out of nowhere and then he snaps his hand this time munki gu came.
And again he snap his hand and night mayor came.
Then he snaps his hands but immediately Luna girl came but she has a metal thingy accidentally it fell on harry head. Then Luna girl immediately pick the metal thingy and disappeared.
Then he snaps his hands but this Romeo came and accidentally shoot a beam at him.
Now harry was angry immediately turn Romeo into monkey.
Romeo monkey : Oo aa why is everybody laughing.
Then Romeo realized he was a monkey and suddenly panicked and ran away but harry turn him back to his normal form.
Harry : Welcome everybody to ask and dare.
Then harry snaps his hand a big house came.
Harry : In the house there are lots of room kitchen, dogo, park, lab, library and lots of room and your own room with your symbol.
All of there eye lits up.
Harry : Here are the rules in 1:00 there is gonna be lots of ask and dare and only in 6:00 the ask and dare would be finish now check your room everybody and sleep since tomorrow is gonna be a big day.
Everybody goes to there room but Luna girl, Night Ninja, Romeo and Night Mayor complained about there side kid.

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