clothing swap

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Aidens pov.

It had been about six months since me and andrew came to the mansion. Ive met everyone so far but i prefer to hang out with my gamer buddies the most.

Anyway speaking of which my friends became more open with me. Even introverts need friends, online friends. Haha get it? We are all based off of games and a lot of games are online? God that was terrible, please kill me again.

Anyway andrew said its pretty boring lately and wants all the mansions residents in the living room. How ironic though, a bunch of killers in the living room. Anyway im heading there now. Im pretty sure the introverted killers wont come on their own. The hall was pretty long and its was like a maze here. Everyone has their own soundproof rooms but some people prefer dorming with eachother. Like me with the gamers. We barely notice eachother when we stay in the room because its always pretty quiet. Im probably not making any sense but oh well.

After finally reaching the bottom of the stairs i opened a few more doors and ended up in the kitchen. I grabbed a quick popsicle and padded to the living room.

Everyone was sitting there probably waiting for me. My closer friends, the gamers were sitting as far as they can from the group. As i walked in all eyes, or well attention was one me. I stood there nervously taking a bite of my popsicle before scurrying off to the corner where ben, red, silver, E and brvr are at. I sat next to E.

"Okay finally everyone is here" andrew said eyeing me.

"The mansion is getting boring and no one has gone on any killing sprees, so i want to start a today event, cool events every Saturday and Sunday. This days activity will cause all the sicknesses. Switching cloths with eachother!"

A few murmurs of disapproval went along the medium sized crowd. "No no no dont worry. Your assigned cloths will fit as much as possible. Uh hopefully. Here let me get the list. "

"Okay first off me and aiden, of course nobody has the tails we have. "Andrew stated after bringing out a paper. "Fuck" i thought. Those cloths are very revealing and that would make me ten times more awkward.

I flicked my tail accidentally hitting E. "Hey watch it!" He growled at me quietly. "Sorry" i whispered.

Andrew looked through the list. "Haha okay, ben and jeff. Toby and e.j. um puppeteer and Bloody painter. Jason and l.j. offender and trender."Andrew took a moment to let out a small chuckle before continuing. "Ani and silver. Red and nurse ann. Clockwork and kagekao. Surrenderman and splendorman. And tender and slender. Sorry sally your cloths are too small. And im sorry for the animalistic creatures. Have fun!" Andrew yelled before taking my claw like hand and dragging me away.


"This is so embarrassing" i said to andrew as i looked at my outfit. Very short shorts, a shirt that reveals my light grey belly, a bow over my neck. Whoch is the only thing i like about this outfit. I had to stretch out the tailhole a bit though.

Andrew was pouting at the cloths he was wearing, my cloths. It was what ash ketchum wore in the alola series along with some long foam blue socks.

We started making out way downstairs to meet the others.

Lets just say it was a mess. Red came down with a towl over his body, silver was shyly floating around in ani's clothing. Ani was cheerful as always and rocking those ripped cloths. Clockwork looked really cool but kagekao didn't give his mask, well i think its a mask, to her. Everyone else was just sitting quietly or complaining about the uncomfortable clothing. Like jeff whining about how tight the costume was, and ben just sitting there and watching.

When me and andrew came into view the room just kind of froze. I got a bit nervous so i hid behind andrew.

He smirked at everyone doing some weird pose. "Take a picture it will last longer" the dude said sticking out his tongue at them. Some of them laughed and others just looked away rather bored, while a few people made a playful disgusted face.

The day was interesting so far. A wiggled my way back to the gamers. Red playfully whistled as i came over E was laughing his tail off and brvr was looking quite amused, ben was smiling at me in the oversized hoodie he is wearing. And oh my god he actually looked really adorable.

Then there was silver giving me a shy thumbs up. I blushed in embarrassment at my friends, i dropped the flat pacman part of my tail on E's head.

Its been a few hours since the little mini game started. And all hell broke loose. Everyone except sally, the slenderbros(not offender) ani, smile dog, ben, silver, and me were sitting in the sidelines while everyone else drank random alcohol and stuff. Andrew was drinking a little due to past experience or something he never told me. Anyway they were drunk and destroying what sanity they have left. Jeff was crying in the corner qbout how his wife the knife left him for a gun, red was crying about a battle he lost years ago. E was sleeping, brvr was shoking random people. Offender was, well being offe der, e.j. was staring at his jar of kydneys wondering if they were babies that needed to be saved. Toby was rather sober and just leaning against the wall. Everyone was screwed up in one way or another. I nervously smiled at them. Yeah, they are all crazy.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2020 ⏰

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