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Hi. I'm JoAnna Bradmore, better know as Jo.

The last time you saw me was.... OH! At the party!

I remember grabbing a slice of cake with a bottle water before handing Nyla a little money that she could use whenever she wanted. I had already hugged everyone, and I was tired. I just wanted to strip out of my clothes and get a good nights rest.

Once I made it to my limo, I started to have one of my many coughing fits. My driver Cory lowered the partition and asked if I was okay. When I didn't respond, he quickly pulled over, and helped me out of the car. He opened my water as told me to drink until I felt that I wasn't going to cough again.

I finished the bottle within seconds, and noticed that I wasn't coughing anymore. Cory and I sat in a nearby bench and enjoyed New York's July night breeze. Our time outside was short lived due to me being tired.

Cory helped me back into the car, and preceded to drive me home. Once we made it there, Cory slipped my jacket back on, removed my shoes, and grabbed my purse. He slid me out of the car without waking me, going the back route to my upstate condo. After we had made it to my door, he unlocked it and placed me in my bed. I instantly rolled over, and let the comfort of the sheets take me away.

The next morning was simple. I unzipped the rest of my dress before lifting it over my head and placing it on top of my discarded jacket. I then showered and ate a light breakfast. Avocado on top of wheat toast with a bowl of fruit. Checking the time on my Rolex, I heard my phone buzzing from my nightstand. It's the weekend and I wasn't expecting anyone other than Crystal to call today.

Answering the call, I was met with light sound on the other end.
Crystal: "Im sorry Jo, I didn't know whirls to call. I just- I just wanted to thank you again. My babies are in a better place now, and this condo is too nice. I-I've never been given anything. And I- I just want to tell you thank you. That's all Jo."

Smiling, I reassure her that the pleasure was all mine. If i would've stepped in before hand, her babies would still be here. It was the last that I could do in all honesty. Half an hour would pass before we said our goodbyes, and I told her not to forget that I would be coming over tomorrow.

After my conversation with Crystal, I took 4 of the 6 pills that I'm on. I quickly swallowed them, drinking a full 2 bottles yo make sure they'd gone down for good. Since it was still fairly early, I decided on watching a little TV. I never watch it anymore, so why not?

While looking through the channels, I saw BET was running a Martin Marathon. I tuned in for about 4 episodes before my alarm had went off. I was scheduled to meet the ladies at Fannie's in about 2 hours. Fannie's is one of New York's finest brunch cafes. It gave you down south vibes, but none the less, it was enjoyed by its natives and visitors. Getting out of my bed, I sprayed it down then made it up. Fluffing my pillows, and straightening out all my sheets. I checked my phone before going into my closet to look for an outfit.

I had 2 missed calls from Carl, a voicemail from Nyla and a text message from Juanita. I checked everything out, then continued on with what I was doing. Today's outfit would be something different. I decided on grabbing a white body con dress, my red chucks, and a blue Jean jacket. Everyone had gotten a text from Juanita requesting "white and blue Jean" attire since it was Gilda's 69th Birthday today.

Since I had taken a shower already, I decided to get dressed. Once I was done, the time read 10:45. I quickly grabbed my purse, slipping my phone and glasses inside it before locking my door. On the other side of my door, I saw someone that caught my eye. Well, the back of someone.

Jo: A story about the Lady In RedWhere stories live. Discover now