hot steaming sex with james and thredson

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song - gimme more by brittany spears

Thredson walks into the room to see James touching his self.
"James, u know the rule." he says.
"oh yeah i know" says james in a bratty voice.
"so then why did u do it" thredson asks.
"cuz i can, what are u gonna do about it" says james.
"oh i'll show u what i'm gonna do about it" says thredson.
thredson walks to the other room.
he comes back with ropes, j big enough to tie around someone's wrists.
james eyes widen in delight as thredson walks over to him.
thredson then grabs his wrists and ties them behind his back.
he takes his pants off and looks at his pasty white ass cheeks.
he unzips his pants and begins to put his huge cock in the mans tiny asshole.
"oh, u like how my cock tears ur asshole open dont u, slut." thredson says as he goes in and out of the man.
"yes, yes daddy" says james, crying.
thredson slaps his ass.

"fuck oh yeah i'm almost done" says james.
thredson stops pushing.
" keep going" james cries.
"u don't deserve it" says thredson.
"yes i do, please" says james.
thredson laughs and continues.

he eventually comes in james ass.
"i love u so much" says james as he's being untied.
"i love u too" says thredson.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2020 ⏰

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