Chapter 1

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It all started in the blink of an eye, right under our noses. At first we didn't think it was all that serious. None of us really knew what to expect. Until it spread like the Black Plague, dropping people by the hundred, daily. You didn't know you had it until it was to late. Until you were coughing up blood, but by the time your eyes turned blood purple you were dead. Before you knew it thousands of people were dead from all around the world. No one listened when they said only go out if you need too. That's how I lost my parents. Went out to hang with friends, never saw them again.

 So I was alone raising my siblings, trying to survive against this wretched thing . But this was the easy part; the non scary part. Doctors and scientists thought they found a medicine to counter react with the chemicals being released into the human body by this virus. That's exactly what it did. When the trials first started people lined up down the streets to get it before it was gone. But all it took was taking one to release the monster. If you had the virus in your system even if you never got sick, these pills exploded in your system, which made your conscience unconscious.  Acting rapid like an animal with rabies, 150 people just in my home town are running wild, killing and ripping apart whatever stood in its way.

 So people locked their doors and hid in fear, from these "rippers". What I started calling them. Scientists can't figure out what went wrong. Now those scientists have given up, went into hiding. The government military tried to stop these beasts but just ended up dead in the process. So it was a ghost town now, who ever was left was too scared and would eventually end up dead from starvation or dehydration. it was almost about that time for me and my siblings, but I made a promise to my parents to keep them safe. So the only option I had left was to go out there and run like hell. I loaded a bookbag filled with 2  waters and the last 12 shotgun shells  that was left in my dads stash. I unbolted the door and told my little sister to bolt it back and don't unlock it unless she knew it was me. 

                                                            FIRST PERSON PERSPECTIVE

I heard the bolt shut back, and I was off on probably the scariest thing I will ever do. Dead bodies were everywhere, trails of blood leading off in different directions. Leading you to your death. I avoided the streets and stuck to the hills where I could see what I was getting myself into. I continue walking as quietly as I possibly could to avoid getting detected. Did I mention these creatures senses were heighted. Yeah, total suicide run.  But I pushed forward, The super market and the plaza was the scariest of anything because when it went on the news that we were on lockdown, not to leave home. What did people do? Panic and leave home, and that was straight suicide. 

On top of the hills, I could see piles of bodies like 20-30 people stacked like pancakes. They were so dismembered you couldn't make out their gender even from close up. As I was turning into the Plaza I heard screams. "Don't try and play hero, you had people that need you alive" I told myself but my trigger finger got itchy. I crouched down and tried to investigate without being detected. 

It was the Anderson's residence.. The house of the boy I had dreamed about and drooled over for about the last year. But that's besides the point. Debra or Mrs. Anderson was outside banging on the front door and windows trying to break in. I couldn't tell if it was really her or the ripper version of her. And I wasn't about to find out. As I was about to turn away, a figure in her window catches my attention. It was her son, Jaxon. I couldn't just leave him there. I slowly crept down to the main street level, put two shells into the barrel and if there was anything I learned from movies, always aim for the head. 

That's what I did. The first shot went right through her cheek leaving flesh hanging my strands and her teeth just falling out. The second shot straight through her forehead. She hit the ground hard and it almost sounded like she broke bones hitting the concrete as hard as she did. I reloaded the barrel just in case she was ready for round 2. That leaving me with only 10 bullets. I slowly approached the window to show Jaxon that I wasn't infected or anything. As he went to unlock the front door, growling was heard around the house and came running in fast and tackled me. 

My heart pumping full of adrenaline, my legs kicking this little creature off of me. When she tackled me my shotgun went flying about 10 feet behind me. Way out of my reach. You Can't let these creatures get close to your face or you have a chance of getting sick. So I kept pushing its head down and her strength started to over power me, my elbows weakening in defeat. Then BAM!!!!!!

Its head came straight off and rolled away from the lifeless body. Jaxon dropped the shotgun and dropped to his knees, trembling. "My baby sister..." left his lips softly, You could hear his heart breaking as the words left his lips. "First my mother, now my sister". He repeated twice before looking over at me. I couldn't tell if he was more angry or upset. Maybe a mix of both. I stood up and dropped my hand down to him, he took it. 

"Jessie, Jessie Jones" I said once he stood up as straight as me. "I'm heading to get supplies, you're more than welcome to join me" I said to him looking into his honey eyes which were filled with tears. He just nodded and ran inside, he came out with a bag of waters and chips, plus a metal baseball bat. He didn't say really anything else. Just followed. 

We soon reached the Plaza, the entrance which wasn't a great plan but the only one we had without going through their "nesting" grounds or whatever you want to call the place where they try to repopulate. Both me and Jaxson ducked behind an old broken down semi trailer. And stood watch to see if the coast was clear. They were everywhere and if you were alive with blood pumping through your veins there was no way we were making it in there undetected with no trouble. 

Since their senses were heighted we just needed to make something smell worse than us to block our scent. Just as I went to mention something to Jaxon, He was pulling fireworks out of his bag. The strong smoke bombs. "When I throw this, you need to run" He turned to me and said. "1,2,3 RUN". We both ran inside the Main Plaza entrance. I looked back to see if our plan was working. It was but not in the way we thought. They were running from the light being ejected from the smoke bombs. 

Their senses were heighted so that means they don't like bright lights which would explain why I only saw two of these beasts on the way here. But right now, I was in their sanctuary, their home. There were hundreds outside, we needed a plan and we needed one fast. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2020 ⏰

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