chapter two

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Damian's pov

Great just great I was supposed to be all alone this area of the forest was supposed to be secluded but no some stupid dude was heading this way and pulling a girl at that. Probably gonna have sex or something. I jumped into a tree and put my cloak on making sure to cover my face so I can't be seen. I watched the whole ordeal as the guy threw her on the floor then kicked her side. Maybe a couple argument but something told me I shouldn't be here. I made to leave but took one last look at the two my eyes came to that blue haired girl and something felt odd like a sudden twist I couldn't explain. The more he hurt her the more I was infuriated but being myself I knew not to involve myself in Lomgardo affairs but still my body acted on it's own. I couldn't understand why but whatever reason I now stood between the girl and boy, his arm dislocated and me glaring at him as he screams.

" What the fuck are you doing? " My voice sounded like a low demonic growl but I didn't give a shit at this point I am was ready to kill. Still though why am I protect someone I don't know and she's from Lomgardo no less. The boy looked up at me with his death glare and gritted teeth luckily my cloak was covering my facial features so no one would recognize me or it would mean trouble.

" Who the fuck are you? " He growled out to me.

" Doesn't matter leave before I kill you. " My voice was now calm and monotone with my killing intent realising itself like a lion praying on its kill. He gulped before scrambling to get up with his one good arm then dashed away back into the town. I turned to the girl who looked up at me tears at the edge of her eyes, I offered her my hand instead she slapped it away.

" I don't need your help. " She said turning her head the other way.

" Sure cause your strong. Tsk. " I snarled at her turning to walk on and handle my business.

" Your not from here? " She suddenly ask I heard shuffling behind me before the girl suddenly appeared in front of me. I didn't reply instead I tried to walk past her but she moved backwards remaining in my line of view a small smile now on her face.
" Figures you don't know anything. "

" Oh and what gave me away? " I asked suddenly stopping surprising me too, in the past when I was encountered with a civilian who wouldn't leave me I'd knock them out or threaten to kill them yet here I was talking to a stranger.

" Well for one you helped me and two your not giving me the look. " The emphasized the last two words.

" The look? "

" Yep the she's Kim look. I've been getting it all my life and I've learnt that people who don't give me that look are either travellers or just people who ignore me. " The girl was quite enthusiastic and open but still when she said that her eyes had that sad glimmer in them. Something about this creature peaked my interest as I looked into her eyes she told a story much like my own.

" So then that's why he was beating you up cause they hate you? " She looked down the minute I said that.

" No he's my teammate in the army they like to treat me that way. " Her revelation astonished me, if she was in the army why not fight back. " I know as an army mage I should have fought back but I can't cause if I fought back then I'd be kicked back into the streets. "

" Isn't that a bit harsh? " Again I amazed myself with the question why am I actually still here, wait she is from the army so if I can get her to blabber it's still in a way getting information so Anna won't think otherwise but still why am I interested in this.

" Well yeah but they have no other purpose for me I've neutralized Rage so they don't need anymore assist since now the other kingdoms fear us. " I was double gapped this girl the very same gently soul I just saved is Rages capture. How can that he is she really strong or something maybe it was a fluke or he just let his guard down.

" Pssht you capturing Rage. Impossible if anything I'd say your lying. " I challenged if anything I need to see myself what Rage dealt with first hand the girl looked up to me.

" It's true if it wasn't for me and Erin's smart thinking rage wouldn't tamed. " She said.

" Yet I had to save you from your own teammate. I bet you can't fight. " I said lowering my face down to her level a small smirk forming as my eye meeting those blue ones for some reason I couldn't look away.

Kim's pov

Red all I saw was ruby red hue in the shadow of his hood my train of thoughts stray of the main idea as I looked at him. Pathetic Kim here you are staring at a total stranger in adoration yet you don't know him nor does he know you, he could be a murderer for all I know. Although one thought came to me he doesn't know me if he were to actually know me I'm sure he'll hate me just like the others. I moved back a few and got into my fighting stance growling in the process, the dude only snickered before putting his hands in his pocket. I felt generally irritated throwing me off like I'm some waste of space I hate that. I leapt forward getting ready to punch him in the face but he moved out of the way. Annoyed I continued to throw a series of assaults, he was fast definitely and to make it worse his guard was perfect. Finally after what felt like forever I felt my hands meet something solid but it wasn't what I hoped, his firm gripped held my hand oddly it felt just right I loved the feeling of my hand in his.

" My your quite the work of art, beautiful, strong and humble. " He said instantly I felt my cheeks heat up. He just called me beautiful a compliment I haven't heard from a boy before.

" W..what d..did you just say? " I mentally cursed myself for stuttering.

" Your practically an perfect imperfection all the looks but the locked up potential. " I looked up at him pulling my hand from his.

" Tsk, I don't need advice from a shadow. " I said crossing my arms in anger.

" A shadow, if you knew who I was you'd be trembling in your boots. " I looked up to him an eyebrow raised.

" Alright I'll cut you a deal. "

" What sort of deal? " I looked him over his cloaked figure back to those eyes that seemed to glow under the cloaks darkness.

" We fight everyday and if I lay even a single punch on you then I get to take of your cloak and reveal your identity. " I said stretching my hand forward to him the firm hand joined my own. Somehow I could feel him smirking under the cloak.

" Let's make it interesting, if you don't succeed by the thirtieth day then you have to go with me. " He said the cockiness in his voice evident.

" Go with you where? " I asked

" Places you know but we will still be in the area don't worry I won't impregnate you. " He said making me blush in embarrassment I couldn't believe he had just said that. The thought of him between my legs has my face reddening by the second.

" O....okay " I managed to stutter out trying desperately to hide my red face behind my blue hair.

" Deal. "

" Well we begin in three days. I need to go off with my team to fetch the commander and also transport an important flashdrive to the Kingdom of nights. " I explained the guy only nodded before he turned around to walk away but suddenly stopped and pulled a bag out of his pocket and threw it over to me. I caught the bag and looked inside to find brown pallets inside.

" They're food pills quite tasty and helpful just one can keep you stuffed for a full day as well as provide nutrition. " He said I looked up from bag up to him but he wasn't there. I shrugged it off and took one of the pills and as he said it filled me up. That night I slept in the forest cause I didn't want to meet my teammates.

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