Chapter Two- A Ginger Surprise

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I woke up to find myself lying face-down upon a patch of grass, my back throbbing painfully, though the sun had begun to remedy that, as warm rays of light splashed over my scales. Scales which were not only on my back. Before Sthyss had died they’d spread, they coiled out from the centre of my spine up to the nape of my neck and stopped just below my hairline. There were also patches of emerald green flecks across my left shoulder blade, over my right hip bone and gently spiralling around my right leg, all the way down to the centre of my heel. They were a bloody nuisance.

I was stuck, lying prone in the grass while I waited for my body to allow me a moment of reprieve in which I could thoroughly abuse it and try to get to my feet- or at least manage to sit up. My stomach clenched threateningly and I fought with deep breaths, trying to force it to relax, a battle that I was apparently losing because the bitter sting of bile rose to the back of my throat and lingered there a second before I retched noisily over the grass. Thankfully I’d managed to build up some momentum when I’d lifted myself to throw up, and rolled myself over and onto my side. I dared to open my eyes to more than just a little squint and peered through my lashes up at the clear blue sky, at least it didn’t look like it was going to rain. Hoisting myself up onto one elbow, I managed a quick look around before I heard something move behind me.


My head hit the ground and I blacked out.

It was still light when I drifted out of unconsciousness and again felt the sting of reality as my aching body reminded me of my condition. I tried to roll onto my side but couldn’t move, and upon opening my eyes I found my hands bound by rope. Thankfully however, whoever had bound me had also had the decency to dress me, the bed that I was in was warm, and in a room that was definitely inhabited regularly. I could see clothes hanging out of one of the drawers and deduced that whoever’s room this was, they were about the same age as me.

I tried to get a better look at where I was but my body decided at that moment to make me suffer for treating it poorly, and I was forced to flop back onto the pillow, a gasp of pain escaping my mouth as my right shoulder protested at being moved. I hoped it wasn’t dislocated. Clenching my jaw I shut my eyes again, waiting patiently to see if I could hear anything instead.

My patience paid off as I heard a murmur from directly below, obviously my captor had company, as it was more the one voice that I could hear- a woman’s and a man’s. The people below continued to talk until finally they appeared to be moving further away. It wasn’t until I heard the creaking of wooden flooring that I realised that they must have been indirectly heading my way. Silently and without any delay I relaxed my body, shut my eyes and put to my face an expression of peacefulness.

“She’s just in here.” The woman whispered as the lock shifted and I forced myself not to look at the two people entering the room. My face was hidden sufficiently behind my bound hands which were above my head, but I didn’t dare risk peeking at them and being seen awake, neither of them had said a word but I could feel their movements as the stagnant air began to flow with their steps.

“Oh, thank god.” The male voice spoke and my eyes popped open involuntarily.

“Professor?” I asked lifting my head and peering- with some difficulty- around my bound wrists.

“Imogene.” Professor Lupin smiled down at me, with an expression of relief upon his haggard-looking face. “You’re safe.” I couldn’t tell if he was trying to reassure me or himself, but as my shoulder stung again, I sagged back, “Professor could you unbind me please?”

“Oh, sorry.” He hastily drew his wand and I watched him wave it in my periphery, my hands fell apart on the pillow and I sighed, shutting my eyes gently and savouring the relief.

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