『4』The Constellation's Gift

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Free's closing words seized every thought crossing my mind.

"Who said only you could master dark resonance?" He scoffs, pinching my cheeks. "Talk about getting weak. Just sit back and relax, he'll be saved sooner or later."

But I had to be the sole witness of Delta's injuries, not knowing if he was in truth, covered with grazes. So I ran. Heartbeats were ringing in my ears with escalating volume as I stormed into BC Sol's dorm cafeteria.

I filtered the place for the vibrance of teal hair, where he was visibly awkward. "Hey...Delta!" I huffed between heavy breaths, sweeping my disheveled hair to the side.

Everyone else that had gathered around him sat like statues. The hush of conversation amplified my gasps for air, expecting that I address the situation.

Valt sat from across the table, who dropped his half-bitten sandwich and stared slack-jawed at me. "Did you just run all the way...for Delta?"

"Chew your food first, buddy," Rantaro advised after hearing his muffled words.

Valt swallowed hard. My entrance must have knocked them off their feet.

"(y/n)?" It comes out jagged.

I nod slowly, once, twice. Given their shock, it wouldn't be ethical to expose hypothetical wounds and push the issue. I restrained myself from such selfishness and cleared my throat.

Their faces slowly softened, and Delta handed me a glass of water - which tasted especially metallic. I waited for an opening to drag him outside.

Valt's eyes light up in anticipation, throwing a fist in the air. "Aw yeah! Delta, you got to (y/n) to battle with you?"

Silas raises an eyebrow, his glasses lowering. "A partner for the tournament, right? This isn't a joke?"

I could only forcibly smile at the reunion. They had been persistent in persuading me to participate in blading events, much to my cold shoulder. I owed Valt, so it was out of the question that I back out now.

"Something did come up...it's affecting my decision. I'll figure it out in time."

"Please come back to BC Sol. I know you're pursuing your own path but-"

"We all thought you lost passion," Silas continued for Valt.

"Well, I..."

I was saved from an explanation when a young girl waved at us, whose contagious energy was bubbling. Honey's appearance was godsend. I signed her our secret code: "Let's play hide and seek!"

She catches my signal and puts on a pleading voice. "All my uncles and aunts! Can we please play hide and seek?"

Delta was the first to step aside, refusing the invitation. If he was eager to distance himself, I would not have him evade my watch.

"Why are you leaving? You should play with us."

"Don't be ridiculous," he replied, suggesting it was absurd for him to be involved in childish games. I ignored his dismissive demeanor and crouched down to meet Honey's eye level. My time with him was locked in.

"Who's it?" I ask with a tilt of my head.

"You!" She flashes a friendly grin and dashes away. "Four of us, sixty seconds. Catch me if you can!"

The rest of the group disperses, and I settled with myself an offer of minimum engagement. Though the game brings back a sense of innocence to a simple period of childhood, sentimental nostalgia ranks low on my priorities.

So I wished my worries became insignificant, closing my eyes to the sound of scattering footsteps.

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