~Chapter 2~

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The breez greatly flew through my hair. After 2 cups of coffee, a vinyl record and a book to read, I left Mr. Daniel's shop. My heels clicked firmly on the pavement, like measured echoes. Not really in the mood of being confronted by Carrie, I took a sharp left and headed to the small park near our apartment block. 

Filled with families, strollers and children, I chose a discreet bench near the end of the park. The chilly air filled my lungs with a wave of cold.

"I am so going to get sick." I mumbled under my breath.

Minutes passed, my quiet reading session was  interrupted by a  small tug of my coat. I lazily moved my eyes from the book to see the person in front of me. It was a girl, a little girl, with blue eyes, filled with tears.

"Hey, hey,hey kiddo, are you ok?" I asked with concern while I put my book down.

"I can't find my mom." she said as she put her little hands on her face.

"Look we're goi-"

"Elly, Elly is that you?" said a woman who came running  near us.

"Mom!" said the little girl who jumped into her mother's arms. I smiled a little the way her mom hugged her so tight.

"Must be nice." I thought to myself while I remembered my broken relationship with my own mom. That subject was kind of sensitive for me, flashing memories in my head that I wish never happened.

The woman approached me with her daughter in her hands. 

"Thank you, thank you so much for finding her." she said as she was catching her breath.

"Actually she found me." I say, my smile growing bigger.

"Well, me and Elly have to go, again thank you so much." 

"No problem, have a good day." I say as I wave good bye to the sweet girl and her mom.

Not much time went by when heavy clouds spread across the pastel blue sky. I took the sudden change as a sign to go home. During my walk back to the apartment, I was thinking about the incident with the little girl and her mother. It bitterly reminded me of my mom. My mom is what society might call a house wife. Well she took care of me, while my dad went on bussines trips. You might imagine the shock and dissapointment when I told her I was taking photography classes. Her smart girl that should have been a doctor or lawyer.

My series of thoughts ended dramatically as soon as I entered my apartment, being greeted by the one and only ,Carrie.

"Oh, there you are. I wondered when you would come back." she told me while she was munching on a granola bar.

I set my bag and book on the stand near me. Carrie's eyes followed me.

"Uh oh, I know that look."

"What look?" I asked as I sat on the couch near her.

"Did you catch feelings for a stranger...again?" she told me with her eyes sparkling with hope.

"How the hell did you guess?" 

"Oh, honey I know you better than you know yourself."

I shrugged, agreeing with her comment. 

"Now you better tell me about this mysterious man or you, dear, are gonna regret it." she said that with an innocent smile that tricked proffesors into increasing her grade at tests.

To avoid a beating, I told her about Loki, his accent,those eyes that sent shivers down my spine, the way he looked like a good sculpted by the hands of incredibly talented  sculptors...

"Ok,so it seems like Cupid really screwed you up." said Carrie.

"Oh shut up." I say, smaking her arm.

"What was that for?" she said, pardon yelled.

"Look I'm trying to find you this god for you to marry, have seven children with him and a dog and you smack me? You need to sort out your priorities." she told me with an offended tone.

"Oh please, first I didn't smack you that hard, second I am not popping out seven kids. I already have you and Markian as children."

She stuck her tongue out.What did I say, a kid.

"Now did you exchange numbers?" she asked me.

"About that..." I said looking down at the ground.

"So you're telling me that you might have met the love of your life and didn't exchange numbers. How in the world?"

"I don't know, okay. I got trapped in the moment and didn't realize what should I do."

"Oh, hunny, you are screwed." she laughed at me.

I, once again, smaked her arm.

"Don't be rude, Carebear." I say as I take my stuff from the stand and head to my room. I could hear her mumbling under her breath. I chuckled lightly at her.

I spent my day, mostly in my room, listening to the vynil record from Mr. Daniel, preparing myself both mentally and emotionally for the year of university ahead of me and of course daydreaming about him. Yes, you read that correctly, I was dreaming about Loki. Oh dear god just don't tell Carrie. 

The night was approaching, the wind beating violently at my window. After a steaming shower, I set myself in the bed, searching the internet, when an idea popped in my head. 

"Maybe I can find Loki on social platforms." 

It was a really long shot and the result was something I expected. Absolutely nothing, zero, nada.

"Great, a man out of this time." I huffed.

The time spent researching put his toll on me.Sleep got ahead of me as I put my head on the pillow,falling into a deep tranche of dreams.                                                                                                        No I was not dreaming about Loki.... maybe.

Hello, lovelies. This is the second chapter. You might see some action between Markian and Eve in the third chapter.  Comment, vote.                                                                                                                            As always,                                                                                                                                                                                  Love KD

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