Chapter 7

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After reluctantly replying to Suigetsu, if only to figure out how he'd gotten my number, I found out he'd convinced the school secretary to provide it. I didn't even want to know what he had to say to convince her to do something illegal like that. I didn't reply to his texts after that and set my notifications to silent before finally getting some much needed shut-eye.

My first official day of training had been a roller coaster. I definitely improved with my vocals, but needed to make sure I maintained what I learned.

I awoke with a start, before my alarm even went off in the morning, to a figure looming over me. I let out a frightened scream, which was quickly muffled with a hand before I noticed it was just Sakura and calmed down.

She rumbled out an invitation to join her for some yoga before we both had to leave to do our training for the day. I was holding a lot of tension in my muscles from the physical activity I'd done the day before during dance lessons and had no choice but to accept. If I didn't stretch out my muscles before the day began, I'd be a train-wreck during my lessons.

I climbed out of bed only to hear a knock at the front door. We both headed to answer and Sakura opened it to reveal an uneasy, yet wide-awake looking Gaara.

She squealed and jumped to hide her body behind the door since she was only wearing a t-shirt and panties, "W-what the hell, Gaara!"

I nearly laughed from beside the pinkette. Her face matched her hair and I could tell she was hoping he hadn't seen anything. He obviously had. The boy's cheeks were noticeably tinged even in the dim lighting, but he still spoke in his soft, calm voice, "I heard a scream."

We were both silent for a moment before I broke the awkward silence, "Sakura scared me, is all. Sorry for the t-trouble."

Sakura gave him a sheepish grin around the door before waving and shutting it. She then looked at me with wide eyes and opened her mouth as if she were screaming silently, holding the sides of her face dramatically.

I giggled at her antics. Witnessing her get caught in her underwear did wonders to wake me up.

Sakura sat out two yoga mats and put in a dvd that would lead us through a routine. I started up some coffee as she unrolled the final roll, "Gaara seems like such a nice guy."

I nodded, "Yeah, he comes off as serious, b-but I think he's just shy."

Sakura hit play on the dvd player and I rushed over to stand on the mat to her left. She didn't say anything else, but when I glanced over she appeared to be deep in thought. Either that or she was still trying to wake up.

After an energizing yoga workout, we both drank some coffee and got dressed. You'd think that waking up early to workout would make us more tired since we lost that hour of sleep, but it did quite the opposite.

I left first, throwing a wave at Sakura as she yelled after me jokingly about not talking to strangers. I came face to face with Tenten as soon as I shut the door behind me and jumped out of my skin as she forced me into a tight hug, "Good morning, little Hinata! Are you ready to visit the old man?"

I lightly patted her back as she smashed her cheek into my hair, being much taller than me, "Good morning, Tenten."

She pulled back and gave me a bright smile, "You didn't stutter! You must really like me." Her voice was flirty, even daring to throw a wink in the mix.

I felt a blush rise to my face, but it was solely out of admiration. Tenten was an amazing artist, and I was finding out quickly that she was an even more amazing human being. Why wouldn't I like her? I'm lucky that she wanted to be friends, much less even be in the same room with me.

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