Chapter 18

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Mattia comes back with his food which is just a large fries with 10 pc chicken nuggets and a large coke ( I forgot which one he likes LMAO)
I stand up to order and signal Ale to follow me and we start walking together
Ale- so what's wrong with him
Devyn- I don't know
Ale- what's something that happened before he started acting weird?.
I kinda freeze up
Devyn- n-nothing he's just being a ass like I said before
Ale- w-w-well your lying
He says copying my stutter
Devyn- Shutup I'm not
As I was that I walk a bit faster to the counter,
Ale- wanna put our money together and like eat a feast OMG THATS LIKE THE BEST IDEA EVER.
Devyn- YES OKAY.
Worker- hi , what can I get you today?
Devyn- we'll get 3 large fries , 2 20 pc nuggets, 4 Mcflurrys, 4 hashbrowns , And 10 of the mini donuts anything else Ale?
Ale- uh I'll get a bacon and egg McMuffin
Devyn- make that two :)
Worker- okay your total is 56.82
Devyn- I'll pay $40
Ale- no we're supposed spli-
As he's talking I put my card into the machine and he sighs and gives the worker 16.82
We wait for our food
Ale- Dev we were supposed to split the check
Devyn- it's fine ale
Ale- well next time I pay more
Devyn- mmm maybe.
Ale- no I AM
Devyn- okay okay
Worker #2- ORDER 175
Ale- that's ours
Devyn -oh the fit it all on two okay
Ale grabs a tray and I grab one as well we start walking to our table we get there and Mattia and Kairis jaws dropped
Kai- HOLY crap why'd you guy get so much
Ale- it's feasting time😎
Devyn- yeah whag Ale said
Mattia- fat ass
Devyn- yeah thanks mattia we know Alejandros ass pHat.
Ale- Periodt Queen, you tell em ( hope you get that reference)
We laugh and sit
Devyn- here we got you somethinggg
I grab the two McFlurrys and softs push it towards them
Kairi- thank youuuu also. Guys I didn't bring money so I will be eating your feast😚😋
Ale- no f*ck off
Devyn- aYe Ale don't be mean, here kai
I say as I give him one of the large fries and hashbrown
Kairi- omg tanks bae🥰
Devyn- stfu I got a man sorry 🤨🖐🏻
They all looked at me
Mattia- fr?
Ale- who?
Devyn - you dumbasses , it's Robert bae😻


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