your meeting

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(y/n) pov-

You were sitting in your room playing your (f/g) on your 3DS, then you heard a boom outside and wondered what on earth was that.You started to walk to the back door to what made that noise and their you saw a big white dog starting to grow at you and you noticed that this dog was Akamaru from Naruto Shippuden and then it hit you literally someone hit in the head and you looked to Kiba standing their.

Kiba's pov-

I woke up under some tree near a unfamilar house and noticed someone coming outside.To my surprise it was a girl that looked about my age and she seemed kinda cute, wait what did I just think i just met her well kind of met her still need to figure out where I am.I went up behind her and smacked her on the back while Akamaru stared growling at her which made her seem a little nervous that he was barking at her.I asked her where I was and she replied that I was from an anime and the that i was an idea that someone  came up with I was in shock and who wouldn't be if you were told that you were not real.

(y/n) pov-

I told Kiba that he was from an anime he seemed shooked and sad.I asked Kiba how did you get here? He responded that he doesn't know because the last thing he remembers was walking Akamaru home and a flash of light and then he was here he said.You asked him if he wanted to spend the knight in your guest room till we get this figured out how this happened. Kiba said ya because he had no whwere else to go for the night.

~~~~~~~~~Time skip brought to you by Naruto's Ramen~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

So it's been about a two weeks since  Kiba came and stayed with ya.Little did you know Kiba started to like you more than a friend.You liked being with him and he was kind enough to help you clean the house and help cook you thought it was so sweet of him.You wished that Kiba could stay with you forever since you had a major crush on him.

Kiba asked you to come outside with him because he said he couldn't find Akamaru any where.You and Kiba went looking for his dog that was somewhere outside but what you didn't Kiba lied to you to get you alone with him so he could confess to you.Akamaru was sleeping in the guest room like Kiba had asked him to.Kiba stopped you under a cherry blossom tree and told you that he has a crush on you. You start to blush and Kiba started blushing harder than  you when he heard you tell him that you felt the same way about him as well.Seconds after the confession you kissed kiba on the lips and he told you that your (e/c) eyes looked so beautiful and was so happy that you felt the same way about him. THE END 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2015 ⏰

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