Waves mission PT 1

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(I remembered oruchima and he wasnt in the last one so ima going to say he was on a mission."


The week went by fast doing regular D-rank missions right now you can see team 7 waiting outside the hokages office.

Minato P.O.V

I hear a knock on the door which I assume is either more damn paperwork or a genin team

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I hear a knock on the door which I assume is either more damn paperwork or a genin team. "come in" as I said that team 7 comes in I instantly knew it they came from the tora the cat mission, because everyone except naruto has cat like scratches. I my self admit I am surprise that if I had a choice that damn cat would be in the bingo book for all the pain and suffering it did. "Mission report for the d-rank catch tora the cat mission."

Kushina P.O.V

"Mission was successful we had a few bumps on the way, Tora ran out the village then in a bathhouse. Naruto caught the cat after Tora came out the bathhouse." I reported I hated Tora he always escape and, he always send ninjas no matter the rank to the hokages office with scratches and some times bloodn on them." Ok well there is another d-rank-" memma interrupted his father by saying "no more d-ranks I want a higher one no catching cats gardening or whatever I want a higher rank."

Minato P.O.V

* hmm a higher rank if they are ready then I give them the c-rank mission* "Kushina, kakashi, and orocimaru do you think they are ready for a C-rank mission" I said waiting dor the answer " yes sensei I believe that the genin are ready and there are 3 joinin so if things happen we are there." Said kakashi he would usualy no. " yes hokage-sama they are an exceptional bunch that are ready for a C-rank mission same reasons as kakashi-san" said orocimaru that is more surprising. "Yes honey they are ready same reasons as kakashi." Stated Kushina-chan " alright team 7 you will escort a bridge builder name tazuna to wave country" as soon as I said that the whole tema except naruto yelled thank you and seem happy. Then I heard a knock. Come in I said then the man they were guarding came in.

Naruto P.O.V

As the man tazuna came in I was not sure what to think. I mean he is obviously drunk has a bottle of beer in his hand and looks like he hasn't sleep in days.

"Huh these brats are going to protect me the two black hair emos, a cotton candy head, a small banana girl, with only that kid and the three adults look good enough

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"Huh these brats are going to protect me the two black hair emos, a cotton candy head, a small banana girl, with only that kid and the three adults look good enough." Said tazuna " I wouldn't insult my teamates after all you sleep like booze and look like hell." I said in return got a smack on the head by my 'mother'. " Well you escort tazuna here tomorrow in the morning till then get some rest" Minato siaud with a sigh.

Timeskip 3 hours naruto apartment

Timeskip 3 hours naruto apartment

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*Another good day another day in alive

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*Another good day another day in alive. Hmm I cant wait to the C-rank it does seem weird he looks like he is hiding something. Well I betterr get prepared I might have to use my karma for this mission last i heard gato was in the wave. He might be the reason he needs guarding. Oh well I should pack my equipment. Ok 30 kunai check 30 shuriken check 30 double ended kunai check 40 senbon check 30 smoke bombs check 40 soldier pills check fuma shurkien check bandages check 10 feet of ninja wire check 50 explosives tags check. Katana check headband check clothes check. Well time to go to sleep.* /in his mindscape\  Huh this aint kurama cage where am I. " come forward my little child of Prophecy dont be scared I am toneri otsutsuki I am here to give a blessing the eye I'm about to give you is the jougan this is a new doujustu." "Why me and did you say child of prophecy?" "Yes I did as for why you have great things in your future but for now good bye. "Ahh shit it was just a dream." I go look in the mirror and see this.

"Well fuck mabey not well I test it on the trip if we fight someone or train

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"Well fuck mabey not well I test it on the trip if we fight someone or train."


amething in cannon except naruto kills the demon brothers and the fight oruchima and kushina helped kakashi recover now the rest in the next chapter.

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