Years of Degradation

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The year is 1979 and with Butterscotch Horseman out of town for work at the Sugarman factory; Beatrice and young Bojack decides to visit the Old Sugarman's vacation home in Harper's Landing, Michigan. Its been years since Beatrice last visited her family's Vacation home; but this was the first time little Bojack laid eyes on this old house that held so many traumatic memories from his mother's childhood.

Eager to finally get away from his abusive father young Bojack turns on the radio and starts singing on the car ride to Michigan, In rejoice that he would finally have some fun. Immediately after, Beatrice is annoyed by Bojack and turns off the radio then shouts to him that they're only coming to Harper's Landing to show Bojack that he doesn't have a harder life than his mother had. Bojack sits in the passenger seat quiet with a puzzled look on his face. Several hours go by and they finally arrive in town; as they drive down the road to the Sugarman home, Beatrice gazes at how different the town looks since she was last there with her family.

Beatrice and Bojack pulls up to the house, she then tells Bojack to start getting their bags out of the trunk while she goes to unlock the door. A few moments later, the next door neighbors kid and another local kid introduces themselves to Bojack. Cassie Rabbit and Larry Steer decided to help Bojack bring everything into the house and told him they should meet up at the Lake Side behind their houses. Before Bojack leaves out to hang with the local kids, his mother shows him the family portrait on top of the fireplace; Beatrice tears up a bit when she mentions her brother Crackerjack who died in WW2.

Bojack arrives to the lake side where Cassie and Larry have been waiting. Unfamiliar with having real friends for the first time, Bojack is very shy and quiet around everyone there. To help Bojack feel more comfortable, Cassie goes around and introduces everyone to Bojack. Overhearing a conversation between Larry and some other kids about a Halloween Party, Bojack confusingly tells Larry he's never was able to celebrate Halloween before; due to Bojack father believing Halloween was a political agenda by democrats to force health and dental care onto the american people. A crowd of kids began to burst out laughing, thinking there's no way he's Fifteen years old and never celebrated Halloween. Cassie then invites Bojack to a Halloween party over at the local barnyard, where Bojack mother once had a traumatic experience when she was a child.

Bojack gets back home and is greeted by his mother Beatrice; who is drunk and blowing smoke into his face saying, "Well would you look at that.. you didn't run away after all". It is no surprise to Bojack that his parents has always hated him for being born and believed that his birth ruined their individual plans in life. Bojack tells his mother that he's been invited to a Halloween party and that he needed a costume, she proceeds to tell Bojack that if he wants a costume he can go under the fireplace and rub some coal on himself to be a black horse. Feeling disappointed Bojack goes to sleep while crying his eyes out. The next day arrives and young Bojack is waken up by Cassie throwing rocks at his window, she asks him if he had a costume yet. Bojack puts his head down and says no; but Cassie said she could use her makeup to make him a zebra and Bojack happily accepts.

The day has finally arrived for The Harper's Landing Halloween Party at the local barnyard. Now already with his new friends Larry and Cassie and in costume as a Zebra movie star, things seem to be going well for young Bojack, despite his mother's attempts to mistreat him at every turn. Larry, Cassie and Bojack arrive to the Halloween Party and instantly you can see the excitement in little Bojack eyes as he looks around the barnyard at all of the kids in their costumes and the decorations setup. Time goes by and Bojack is still having a blast, then unexpectedly his mother Beatrice shows up to the Halloween Party. Beatrice is immediately recognized as Joseph & Honey Sugarman's daughter by a old man on the piano. The old man loudly calls to Beatrice, asking what made her come back here. Not Recognizing this old man, Beatrice casually ignores him while calling out for her son Bojack. Bojack worryingly comes from behind the barn and walks over to his mother, while telling his friends he'd be back. However, unaware to Bojack his mother came down to the Barnyard because she had a day dream of her older brother telling her not to make the same mistakes that their parents made when they were kids.

Beatrice tells Bojack they should go back to the house, so she could finally tell him about her childhood and his grand-Parents. Bojack sat in front of the lit fireplace as his mother described her traumatizing childhood to him; there was a sudden shock on Bojack face. Beatrice then tells Bojack that she actually Loved him and she only mistreated him because, she thought he would inherit trauma from her mother Honey. Beatrice also admitted that she promised her mother she would never love anyone as much as her mother loved Crackerjack; in fear of one day being lobotomized like her mother Honey. Bojack gets up and goes over to his mother and gives her a hug. The two doesn't say much after that; given how new this is for his mother to show that she cares about Bojack. The next day arrives and it is time for this mother and son to head back home to San Francisco in hopes this vacation made their family better.


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