Chapter 19

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Marshall's POV

I can see her. She's okay. That's all that matters. Yes, she's locked up, but at least she's not hurt. There's still a chance.

Should I sneak her out now, or wait until later? If I wait, she might get in trouble, but I might find out who did this and why they did it. No, I couldn't wait. I love her too much.

I turn into bat form and fly with my back to the ceiling all the way to Fionna's enclosure. I slip through the bars and land in the shadows as silent as I can, then change back into my regular form. Fionna's back is facing me, and she is not aware of my presence yet.

"Fionna," I whisper, "it's me, it's Marshall. I'm gonna get you out of here but you cannot let anyone know I'm here, okay? Don't turn around."

She whispers back, "How do I know it's really you? How do I know this isn't some trick and you're not going to kill me from behind?"

"You're going to have to trust me. I love you, Bunny."

Fionna thought, no one else calls her Bunny. And no one here, in the Nightosphere, would know why. She wasn't wearing her bunny hat, after all. But still...

"Tell me something only the real Marshall would know," she says softly.

"Okay. I know that you used to love PG. I know that whenever you make music with me, it's always a love song. I know that even warriors have nightmares. I know that your nightmares are about loneliness and losing me. And that's never going to happen, Fionna. We're both getting out of here alive. You'll never have to be lonely ever again." I heard sniffling and I knew she was tearing up. I didn't say anything of course, that would just embarrass her. After a few minutes of waiting, she gave a soft "Okay." I transformed back into a bat and stuck to the shadows near the front of the cage. I was about to swoop down but I heard the clanging of keys. Fionna motioned for me to stay back, and I did.

"Well, hello again! How's my favorite human in Aaa doing?" I knew that voice all too well. She's behind this? This has gone too far. Why would my own mother kidnap my girlfr-oh. Oh, I see. Very clever. She knew I would come after Fionna. She wants me.

"Well, my darling, it's been a few hours and still no Marshall? Tsk tsk. My boy Zack must have done his job right," Mrs. Abadeera grins.

"What do you mean?" Fionna asks. Obviously, she knows I'm okay. But where is Zack?

"I sent him to kill Marshall! What fun, indeed! Couldn't have found a more willing participant!" I could tell my mother just loved the sound of her own voice, so the more questions, the better chance we have of getting out of here.

I was listening to what Fionna was about to ask when something grabbed my bat neck and pulled me down. I couldn't breathe, and I turned back into my normal form to make it easier to fight whoever is pushing me down. Now both Fionna and my mom were paying attention, yet my mom looked...pleased?

I looked at my attacker as I was trying to pry his hands from my neck. My own half brother? Seriously, what is wrong with this family??

I rip Zack's hand from my throat and stand ready to fight him.

"Hello, big brother! I told you I'd kill you. I never break a promise!" Zack smiles wide and I look closely at him. His eyes...they're red. His eyes aren't naturally red.

"Zack, c'mon man. I know you don't want to do this. Mom, she's controlling you. I know it. And I know we never got along or anything but I know you well enough to say you're not a murderer. You just aren't. C'mon man, you gotta hear me."

"He can't hear a word you're saying actually. He only hears me. My voice, my commands. You can't make him stop. He will keep fighting until you're dead." Mrs. Abadeera smirked.

"What the glob!" Fionna exclaims. She looks at my birthgiver. "What kind of mother would order her own son's execution, let alone stand to watch it! You're globbed up in the brain, lady! Don't you feel any remorse? Any at all?"

"Why, no dear. I'm a high-functioning sociopath. I feel no guilt, child." And she sounded truly happy about that too... "Kill her lover."

I turn back to Zack and I'm immediately greeted with an oncoming fist. I'm too slow, and take a hard blow to the jaw. I stagger back and hold my face. Damn, he can really pack a punch.

Zack comes in for a kick and I grab his leg, spin him, and push him down. Wasting no time, I crouch down and land a few punches on his face. Now we're both bleeding a little bit.

Zack regains control and flips me on my back. I take punch after punch, hearing Fionna in the background screaming. She tries to yank Zack off of me but is pushed back by my mother.

In a fit of rage, I push Zack to the side and try to go to Fionna. Bloodied and tired, I see her being held by some guards. I roundhouse kick one of the guards and bring the other one down by hitting him with the flashlight he had on his belt. Fionna screeches and I turn around to see Zack running at me. I flash the light in his eyes and he stumbles, giving me enough time to pick up Fionna and start flying up and away. I see an exit, just a little ahead.

But of course, this isn't a fairy tale and a hand grabs my ankle, yanking me and my love to the ground. Fionna lands safely, but my leg snags a rock on the way down. It stings, a lot. I can't move. Not even when the guards are holding Fionna's arms behind her back as she screams and Zack's wicked face appears before my own. My mother stands watching her plan come together. Why do they even want to kill me? I have nothing!

"Well, big brother. I suppose this is the end. I mean, look on the bright side, at least your girlfriend is here to watch it. The end of Marshall Lee, the Vampire King. Her screams are the last thing you'll hear. Isn't that nice? The voice of your angel? If I recall correctly, your "savior"? You were going to leave Aaa before you met her, weren't you? You didn't want that life. Everyone you loved, and everyone who loved you, was gone. What a world to live in. But she "saved" you, is that it? She saved you, not your family. Not the little half brother who always looked up to you." Zack shook his head from some flashback. For a brief second, I saw sadness in his eyes. The red disappeared. But now he was back to his evil grin. "Where was I? Oh right, your death." He snaps out a wooden stake and holds it threateningly close to my heart. "Goodbye, brother dearest. Any last words?"

"I love you, Fionna. I will always love you. Don't you ever forget that." I say, a tear escaping my eye. Zack raises the stake, Fionna shouts no, and I squeeze my eyes shut and wait for the darkness.

But it never comes.

I open one eye with curiosity. Zack still had the stake raised, and the guards are still holding Fionna, and my mother still stands watching. But this time, it's different.

They're all frozen. Ice cold, and frozen. Fionna too.

"I may not remember you, but I know you've always been good to me. It's time I returned the favor."

I look up at my old friend, and I smile. I actually smile.

"I missed this you." And I meant it. This kind of selflessness was rare these days. "But I'm not leaving without my girlfriend."

She unfreezes Fionna with a sigh, but a slight smile. Fionna coughs a little and collects herself.

Time for our escape.

I know there's probably spelling and grammar mistakes...
And I know it's been a while, but since the last time I've written I think I've gotten a lot better. I apologize, but I've been busy with school and other things.

One of those being the start of my youtube channel. I sing and play the ukulele. So I made a channel on youtube and it's called "izzypeaks". Here is some shameless self promo:

I hope you liked this chapter and please vote, comment, and give me a follow! Also, if any of you are into art, I would love to include some fanart in my chapters! (if that is possible!)

Thank you for being the most amazing fans ever!

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