6. Set List

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"Well isn't this the cutest apartment ever! Just you and the cat, I take it? Or do you have the occasional visitor?" I felt my cheeks flush slightly as Katie spoke, stepping aside so she could enter my studio apartment. The two of us had been getting closer over the past few weeks, probably due to the fact that we were the closest in age compared to everyone else who worked at the shelter. Where she was only two years older than me, everyone else who I worked with was at least eight years older.

"Nope, no visitors here." I chuckled. "Well, unless you want to count you and the neighbors who stop by occasionally." I added. Katie nodded before gesturing to my outfit.

"And damn, those scrubs do not do you justice, mate!" She complimented. I smiled, nodding to her.

"Right back at you. Who knew we both actually had curves?" The two of us laughed at that before I turned to grab my keys. "We should go. I hear the line is already extremely long." She shrugged, not seeming too concerned.

"Not really a problem. My uncle is head of security at Allphones. I bet he'll even let us park in employee parking." She assured me. I lifted my eyebrows at that.

"Really? Nice."


Katie's uncle came through. She called him on the way to the arena, and he gave her instructions on how to get through the security at the entrance to the employee lot. What I didn't think about, however, was the fact that the employee lot would also be the lot that the boys' tour van was parked in.

I thought for sure we would run into someone on our way through the back hallways of the Allphones Arena. And judging by the way Katie kept looking around, her eyes wide with excitement, so did she. Never mind the fact that the glistening ring on her left hand betrayed the fact that she was beyond taken. I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"What are you laughing at?" She asked, her tone somewhat accusatory. I merely shrugged, giving her a very simple answer.

"You." She gave my shoulder a light shove, scoffing.

"Excuse me for being excited about my first ever live concert." She protested. I shrugged again.

"They're okay live." She turned to me in shock, but anything she was going to say was cut off when her uncle spoke.

"Alright, ladies. This is your stop. The door right there will lead you to the main lobby area. Just find a ticketmaster and they'll tell you where to go from there." He instructed, pointing to a large grey door to his left. The two of us thanked him in unison before Katie leaned forward and gave him a hug. Then, we walked through the door and into the lobby.

They had just begun letting people inside, and I was somewhat thankful that nobody noticed the two of us. I remembered what it was like when the boys only had a few thousand fans; if they were ruthless then, they definitely would be now.

We were in the seventh row on the right side of the stage. It wasn't too bad of a seat, though we seemed to have gotten tickets in the center of a larger group of younger teens who all knew each other. Though, they were pretty friendly. The smaller blond girl next to me introduced herself as Brianna, then proceeded to tell me I looked familiar. I had to laugh and deny that, though I had a feeling she actually had seen me before. It wasn't a secret that Luke had two different girlfriends before the band really took off. Not much was known about either of us, except for things that had been put in the media. Like Kylee's death.

Before I knew it, the lighting changed and the excited chatter around me morphed into screams and shouts. Despite not being overly excited about being at my ex boyfriend's concert, I felt my mood lighten at the energy in the arena. A glance at Katie, who was standing to my left, showed that she was more than pumped to be here. If she weren't taller than them by over three inches, I'd say she was part of the group of teenagers surrounding us.

Forgiven // l.h. // Book 2 in Bully SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now