Chapter 2 Christmas

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Chris POV
Yes!! Christmas a time that everyone loves frost in the air and presents. Danny comes flying down the hall yelling "GIMMIE PRESENTS NOW!!!!!!" Me and Beth laugh we were half a sleep until he came yelling we joked around. Wallow said " Calm your horses me and Catbug are preparing the dinner and dessert and then you open your presents but get in the stockings I don't care bout those"
"THATS GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME"Danny yells in mine and Beth's ear.
Beth's starts talking about the party tonight we are so excited.Then Wallow and Catbug walk in and yell "PASS US DOES STOCKINGS BABY" we all laugh. Then impossabear comes in and starts to talk but then we threw his stocking and presents and he says "WOAH!!!!"
In my stocking I got hair gel, money,cereal bar gift card,and then some candy. Beth got a Starmars gift card(her favorite coffee place), The Fault in Our Mars book,money and nail polish. Danny got lottery tickets, a knife, money, and a dog collar.Wallow got test tubes,money,and some other things for his lab.Catbug got a bag filled with peanut butter squares, money, a blanket,and yogurt.impossabear got a gas powered stick, chips,money,and a comb. Then we started to open our presents.I was wanting Beth to open mine but you know it would be rude to shout open mine first!!!
Danny's POV
Wow I got a knife what a shock just why id rather get hair gel like Chris.But you know. I asked "who was coming to party?" Beth said"Plum,Gale,Robo Chris,Ballerina Man,Luck,.." We all shout "LUCKY!!!!"
Beth"ya Lucky why wouldn't she becoming of corse" I've always hade a small crush on her when we were little but I got over it you know but wow Lucky haven't seen her for a long while.

Beth POV
----------------------------------------------After all the presents were open I went in my room to video chat Plum and ask her witch outfit I should pick for the party tonight and I look on my bed and there is a present from.....CHRIS. Wait why didn't he give it to me when we were out there but I open it ,it was a charm bracelet it had 5 charms 1 was a cat for my sticker pad an other 1 was a B for Beth the 3rd one was a huge green jewel that said Friends Forever the 4th was a flower and the 5th was cat whip that looked just like mine I loved it!!!Then I messaged Plum and showed her the bracelet Plum"WOW!!Thats so pretty!I think you should wear it with that outfit right over there she pointed at my favorite one I said "Ya that would look so cool together"
Plum said "Well we both should get ready see you at the party bye!!!" She waved with her little pig hands bye I said "BYE!!!"The outfit were this green ugly Christmas sweater with a red cat on it, some skinny jeans, UGGS,and the bracelet.

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