Rules / Info

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1. Password is tag 3 people

2. The obvious, no Mary/Gary Sues, no trigger characters, no god moding, and no going OP.
     2.5. Obviously some video game characters will be more OP than others, but do keep it within the realm of possibility.

3. Wait to be accepted by either me or one of my admins.

4. You must submit a full form, in one or two comments. Without this, you won't be accepted.

5. Everyone has a 3 strike rule. Once you hit 3 strikes, I block you and you can no longer role play here.

6. No force shipping. GOD please no force shipping, it's what killed my last version of this roleplay. If you force ship with one of my characters, I can and will kill them off.

7. No killing another character without their permission. That's not cool dude, come on.

8. Do not control another person's character when they're offline, that's rude.

9. This is not a solely romance roleplay. Obviously romance is gonna happen, that's just how things work. But I want this roleplay to be one of adventure and exploration as well. See it as a chance to explore the world of other video games, without having to buy said video games.

10. Do not be racist, sexist, of homophobic. Your characters can be, I guess, but if I see one sexist, racist, or homophobic comment in OOC I can and will give you a strike. No if's, and's, or but's about it. Actually, just be nice to each other. If you have to argue, go to PM's with that person or another book.

(This list will most likely expand)


1. All games of all platforms are welcome. Doesn't matter the age of the game, or of the console. All games are welcome here.

2. Just like the movie Wreck-It Ralph, if you die outside of your video game you die permanently. The one exception to this is the Smash Arena, which is an area where you can just...fight your nemesis or your friend until your heart's content and neither person is perma killed.

3. Head-canon personalities, pasts, and relationships are definitely welcome here! Just make sure that if someone takes a character that you feel yours would have an attachment to somehow, that you talk to them about it and make sure they're on board.

4. The plots from the game that your characters are from are to be assumed to be completed. Your characters will know how their game ends (even if they die).

5. Your characters will probably have common knowledge about the modern world outside of their video game realm.

6. If your franchise has several games with the same main character, but the games are either different timelines, different universes, or reincarnations (most notably Legend of Zelda for me), then there can be several variants of the same character. For example: Twilight Link, Wild Link, Sky Link, etc.

(This list might also increase in size)

Digital World: A Video Game RoleplayWhere stories live. Discover now