*+.School Again.+*

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"GET DOWN!" Firey Jr. shouted while another crumpled up ball of paper sailed past his head.

"AH!" Suitcase yelped while stomping on the paper as it started to catch flame from having had contact from Firey Jr.'s head.

"Good work! Keep at it!" He told her as another paper ball barely missed him.

"All I've been doing is putting out the fires you keep starting!" She said back to him and ran to put out the other as well.

"Eh, at least give me credit for the compliment." He said and and grabbed a piece of paper from Grassy and crumpled it into a ball and threw it to the other side of the classroom.

"Ow!" BFB Nickel exclaimed when the paper hit him in the eye. He got behind some desks that they turned over and rubbed it.

"Cmon, get up! It's just paper!" Apple told him and grabbed one of the paper balls that were on the floor and threw it back over.

"He just keeps burning all the paper!" Marker told them when he watched as almost every one of their crumpled up paper balls burned up when coming near Firey Jr.

"I think we're winning!" Bottle exclaimed.

"How do you know who's winning or who's not?" II Nickel asked her after sending another paper ball at the desk wall.

"YEAH GO TEAM!" Bracelety cheered when she heard the word "winning".

"How did this even happen?" Marshmallow asked while brushing piles of paper balls away from her.

"BFB Nickel wanted to show us how to make paper airplanes, one hit the other Nickel and uh..the rest is a blur." Firey Jr. told her and threw multiple crumpled papers at his fellow classmates.

"What if Four comes back? Won't he be mad?" Suitcase asked them, while ducking to avoid multiple papers from hitting her.

"I guess we kind of lost track of time." Bottle said.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?" Four screamed when popping back into the classroom.

All of them just froze and stared at him silently while hoping he wouldn't flip out too much because of the littered floor and turned over desks.

"I would clean up if I were you guys." X told them while trying to calm Four down.

"It would be the smart thing to do." Toilet agreed while keeping a small distance from Four.

No one said anything as they started to pick up the paper balls, throw them away, and turning the desks back to where they were before the chaos started.

"Why did the game stop?" Grassy asked them, just following what everyone else was doing.

"Did you not see Four? Why do you think we're all cleaning up?" II Nickel said to him rudely.

"Hey don't be harsh on the little guy." Suitcase scolded him and helped Grassy pick up some paper around him.

After a few more moments of cleaning and adjusting all of the contestants sat down and looked at Four as he just stared at them all silently before smiling and getting up from his behind his desk. Toilet was still using X as a human shield as Four made his way to the front of his desk as his students got more worried by each step.

"I think he's angry." BFB Nickel whispered.

"Oh really? I thought he was going to pat us all on the head and say 'gee thanks for littering my floor and wasting class time to clean it up'." The other Nickel muttered back only to get a larger glare from Four.

*+. Crossing Worlds (BFB /TPOT x II Fanfic).+*Where stories live. Discover now