Keep her happy

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I smiled as C/N was enjoying the little date I made for her. I just watch her with loving eyes, and blush a bit as she caught me.

"You good?" She chuckled.

"Yeah. Thanks for coming here with me, I really needed it."

"Of course Y/N! You know you can count on me for anything! I'm your best friend silly!" C/N smiled widely holding my hands, and caressing it with her thumb.

I look down at our intertwined hands.

I just wish we can be more than that.

"Come on. Let's go for a walk."

"I'd love that." I stood up and held my hand out for her, she accept it with a huge grin on her face making my stomach flutter.

We started walking side by side under billions of star. It feels perfect. C/N and I, together, like this..

"You know I'd never expect us to be besties."

"Why is that?"

"Well, we never had a good start." I smiled remembering our high school days.


"I'll have that.." Y/N took C/N's homework, smirking as C/N tried to get it out of her grasp.

"Give it back!"

"After I use it-" Y/N froze as C/N kissed her on her check, C/N took advantage and took back her notebook.

"Maybe try to lessen the simping." She smirked and walked away. "You give in so easily." She said over her shoulder.

"I don't -" Y/N stopped herself, she shook her head and smiled.


"What!? Why do I have to work with her?" C/N exclaimed as the teacher finished saying who she was paired up with.

"Are you scared princess?" Y/N teased, the class snorted. C/N just glared at her.

"No I just don't want to work with a lazy freak."

"Yeah a freak in bed." Y/N said back, some of their classmates jaw dropped and some weren't impressed at all.

"Enough! You two stay after class. Another inappropriate words from you Miss Y/L/N, detention. Now take a sit Miss C/L/N." Their teacher spat coldly.

C/N took a sit. Y/N wore a cocky smile making C/N huff and roll her eyes.


"That's not the way it suppose to go!"

"Would you just shut up and let me do it?" Y/N cut C/N off, C/N scoffed in disbelief.

"You placed it wrong!"

"Oh my god! Would you ever shut up?!"

"Not until you follow me! I'm the one that came up with the idea because you had one of the stupidest idea ever."

"Hey! A tray for food strap on your waist so you could eat while walking isn't that stupid!"

"Yeah, it's useless." C/N barked back. Y/N pointed at C/N, and just let out a fraustrated huff, bringing her hand back down.

"Well do it your own way! I won't do it."

"And having you get some credits for doing nothing? Uh honey, no."

"Don't you ever call me that again." Y/N went back to creating their project, this time actually following what C/N was saying.


"And that is how you get an easy A." C/N grinned. Y/N peeked over her shoulder and scoffed.

"What?! I literally copied what you wrote and got a C?!"

"Oh so you were the one that was copying my paper.."

"Yeah, I don't kn-"

"You changed your answers.." Y/N in disbelief.

"I got a brain you know, I knew you would be copying my paper." C/N smirked.

"God, you geniuses hate sharing. But that was actually a pretty good move not gonna lie." Y/N said.

C/N hummed feeling proud of herself. Y/N rolled her eyes.


"We really come so far! In few weeks..we would be graduating." C/N said in a low and sad voice.

"Hey..what's wrong?" We stopped and I took both of her hands, trying to make her look at me.

"I'm not really ready to graduate.."

"Why not? You'll finally achieve your dream!"

"I- ...will we still be friends after we part ways?" I stopped, now knowing why she wasn't ready on graduating.

"C/N..of course we'll still be friends! We can call each other through facetime!"

"Yeah your right..please don't forget about me, you life, really." She looked up at me and smiled, I tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear and smiled softly.

"I would never do that! You're my best friend.." I said it even though it pains me.

"Come on, lets go back to the dorm it's getting late."

"I want to spend the few days with you as much as possible."

"And we will do that." I chuckled, she wrapped her arm around my waist while she helped me carry our stuffs.


~way more years later~

I grab the pack of chips and dumped it on my shopping cart. I pushed the cart and saw a little girl just standing and looking up at me.

"God where is she?"


I saw the little girl turning her head to the sound of my name.

"Yes, mommy?" Said the little girl. I also turned and felt as if my other half has return, memories started to rush in.


Y/N smiled as she watched C/N walk down the aisle, this was her dream. Watching C/N walk down the aisle, walking up to her.

C/N stopped in front of Y/N and smiled beautifully. For Y/N, C/N is the one.

Y/N smile slowly fade away as C/N walked away from her, and up to the groom.

But for C/N, Y/N isn't the one.

Y/N watch as the love of her life get married with someone that was not her.

"Keep her happy." Y/N whispered.

A/N:Gad this was so shorrttt>< sorry for too many time skips and grammar mistakes , luv yall -p

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