Chapter 1: Weird things

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-Oh my god Gavin! Why are you so stupid? Nothing is in this woods...
-I'm sure that I saw a somethings!
-We've been walking in this forest for hours now...
-It just been five minutes !
-Yeah and it feel like hours.
-You are such a baby!
-No you are ! Whatever... We need to go home, the Sun is begining to disappears..
-Not before I found the thing !

Gavin look around him.
The trees in the forest hide all the light of the Sun. The horrible smell of molds haunts his nose. How animals can live whit this teribble smell?

-Ugh this smell is so strange... Can se leave now... Say the purple hair boy.

Gavin points his finger at a bush.

-Someone is there...
-Behind the bush?
-Are you sure it's human? Its can be an animal ...
-No it can not be. His shadow have a human forme...

The two boys approach the bush. Gavin look behind the bush. There was a man there. He was sitting with his back against the bush. The man in question seemed to be afraid. His clothes were covered in dirt and her gray hair was messy. Looks like this man lived in his woods.

-Are you ok ? Asked Stephen's little brother

The grey hair man get far away from them.

-Don't be scared of us, we are going to help you!
-You are going to help me...? Say the man confused.
-Yes! Come!
-You can't help me...I am a lost cause..
-Oh my God juste come! Say Stephen.

Stephen approaches the lost cause.

-Go away...
-No. Come whit us we are going to help you. Are you lost or somethings?
-Go away please...
-Just step back.
-What? Why you want me to get away?
-It I Say why you are going to think that I am crazy...Now go away and never step back in this forest never again...
-It is not you who can give me orders!

The grey hair man look at Stephen with fear.

-Are you lost?
-Stop responding like that. What is your name?
-.....I don't have a name
-STEPHEN STOP! You are scaring him...Poor thing...

The "thing" look like he about to cry.

-I am so lost right now...say the man un tears.

Stephen is uncomfortable.

-I am sorry, please don't cry...Come whit us, se are going to find something to help you...

-Fine...I am comming whit you guys. say the man drying his tears.

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