And So It Goes

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At a wedding was where it all began.

The groom, Jimin, held his mic and spoke in front of the people during the reception. "I want to share with you what I learned about love. Most of you know me and so you know what I'm like. Back in college, I was quite shy and soft-spoken. I was so shy that I would walk with my head down and not even see where I was going. Can you imagine the number of people I've bumped into? I've probably bumped into famous people on the street and I wouldn't have known."

Laughter erupted from the audience. Jimin looked at his wife who smiled at her husband's charming charisma.

"And then there was Soyeon at a café. She was sat there in a corner reading a book. I got my coffee and wanted to sit but it was full except for the seat across her. You know, I could have just walked out right then and there. Just took my coffee away and sat somewhere in the cold to drink it. But I didn't because I wanted to sit down somewhere warm."

"Something within me urged me to be brave. How do I explain it?" He paused for a bit and glanced to the side as he chewed the inside of his bottom lip.

He turned back at her as if just settling his eyes on her provided him with the right words to say. When he was confident to deliver his thoughts into words once again, he continued.

"It's like I took a big breath and just winged it, just felt courageous for probably ten seconds when I asked her if I can sit down. I thought, oh God, okay, this sudden bravery and confidence I felt will probably go quickly too and I'd look like a complete moron in front of this good-looking woman. But it didn't go away. When she looked up from her book and smiled, I felt even more fearless. Because the moment her voice told me that she didn't mind me sitting there, the moment she gave her smile to me, was the moment I found where I wanted to be. I knew I was right where I was supposed to be."

Pursing his lips as he recalled the moment, Jimin blinked away the dampness in his eyes. "It was the moment I found my warmth."

He nodded at his words, at his truth as if it were the only thing he'd ever known. Bringing down the mic, he looked at his wife, whose tears have pooled in the corner of her eyes.

The audience had also started to wipe their own tears with napkins, had started to gush and coo the words 'aww' and had started to clutch their chests for his moving and heart-warming anecdote.

All of their eyes were at the couple, while you on the other observed at how these people had reacted.

Your eyes gazed upon them and then at Jimin, eager to know what it was that he learned. With his story, everyone's heartstrings had been tugged.

But you were more enthused with the lesson he could impart from his experience. Because perhaps, you thought, you could learn something, could take something away from that wedding the very least so you won't leave another wedding feeling empty yet again just like every wedding you've attended in the past few years.

Jimin's voice gained everyone's attention again. "I learned that sometimes, you have to be brave and courageous. So please don't hold back. If I didn't grab that ounce of courage in me in that café, I wouldn't have met the love of my life, my wife. And I would say this not just for love; I would say and apply this for life as well."

A part of the bride's circle of friends, you had attended this wedding and feelings of veneration and amazement had returned to you as you watched two people become united as one in front of everyone.

Looking at the bride and her groom during the reception with hopeful and fascinated eyes, you wondered how people do that—the relationship thing.

You admired and commended people who can do it so effortlessly, looking as if they do not have or carry any baggage within them and therefore allowing them to continue loving their significant others in bliss, lightly dashing their way forward without any worries at all.

And So It Goes | Taehyung ✓Where stories live. Discover now