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Riven blinked,Aisha coughed"well it's settled,it's time for you guys meet the new member of the group...guys,this is my new classmate,Tecna you could say she's an attractive Technology-genius. If your phone or other mobile devices are broken or malfunction,she can help you fix it!"
Aisha said,introduce Tecna to her other friends.

The others were stunned,"pssst,she's now Emily's new nemesis,due to her IQ 150,
The new smartest kid in our class!"Aisha whispered,Flora just nodded both of them has the same class as Tecna.

The others were all in shock,
"OMG,your like super smart!!!,
you gotta help me on my chemistry homework,will ya?"Bloom asked,
Tecna giggled"of course I can help you"
she said.Sky chuckled,"Now Bloom sweetie,
let's not push her too hard"he said as Bloom smiled.

"Oh don't worry about it,helping people is what I do!"Tecna said smiling sweetly,
laughing with them. Timmy stared at her confusingly 'creepy..she went from harpy to girly-girl fom,how illogical!' Timmy thought,as he stand and clean himself up.

'I can't lie,but I understand now why she's been called attractive,super smart,and also polite..But no one will be perfect as Flora..'
Helia thought.

Flora stared at Helia,the guy she's been crushing on. Aisha nudged her and smirked,"go talk to him,Flora..sitting and waiting will never get you guys together,
you know?"Aisha said,Flora just shook her head. "I don't know what if..Helia doesn't likes me back.."she said and frowned,
"Of course he likes you back,it's totally obvious!!"Aisha said reassuring her.

Flora looked up to her and frowned again,
"Maybe,then but look he's into Tecna now,
might as well losing my hopes.."she said.
Aisha put a hand on her shoulder,"well if you want some girl talk just come to me!"
Aisha said smiled,Flora smiled back.

Aisha then looked back at Tecna,
"Tecna..this is Bloom,Sky,Riven,Helia and Nabu my boyfriend!"she said introducing the others to Tecna. Tecna looked amazed,
"Oh so there are 3 couples in our group?"
Tecna said,Helia shook his head.

"No..there are only two.."he said,Tecna laughed "oh I'm sorry for a minute there
I thought you and Flora we're a couple!"
she said making Helia and Flora blushed.
The others smirked and thought,'sure not a couple..yet'.

Tecna looked at her new friends lovingly,
Aisha walked closer to the hurt-looking Timmy, "I almost forgot..not that it really matters though,but meet Timmy..or you can call him friend A!"Aisha said smirked.

Timmy glared at her,Tecna looked at him symphatetically she quickly ran up to him
"Oh,I'm very sorry about before!!"she said.

She bowed infront of him to show her regretness,"I hope you have it in your heart to forgive.."she stopped and slowly showed him her devil expression.

she whisper shouted at him. 'Help me,
Riven this girl is a devil!!' Timmy thought.
"Wow,she's super polite as well!"Flora complimented her,as Tecna and the others all giggled and laughed "oh,please I'm just being me!!"Tecna said.

Riven gave her a death glare,Tecna notice him doing it. "Riven!,captain of the soccer team! is so nice to finally meet you!"
she said giving him her angel face.
Tecna and Riven started talking with each other,confusingly Riven still had that death glare to her but Tecna just kept smiling and  giggling.

But everyone shrugged them off,I mean Riven always pissed people wheneverhe wants. Aisha nudged Timmy's shoulder,
"naughty,naughty Timmy!"she said and smirked.

Timmy faced her confusingly,
"getting here before we did so you could meet her first,You are entirely too clever..
I guess me and Riven we're wrong about you,you're a sly dog after all!"she said
trying to hide her laugh.

The Techno Musician and The Angel (A Winx Club AU)Where stories live. Discover now