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After breakfast, Jin Ah and Ji Sung were headed to the National Museum to spend the morning. They had a light lunch while they were exploring Seomun Market, then to Gyeongsang-gamyeong Park. They promised to be back home to cook dinner for her parents so they soon headed back.

As the younger couple took over the kitchen, Jin Ah's parents quietly observed them. Her father commented, "This is not the first time they're cooking together, isn't it?"

Her mother shook her head. "Doesn't look like it. It seems like they already have a system," she said, noting that they didn't even have to discuss who would be doing the cutting or peeling or what dish was assigned to whom.

When Jin Ah was busy checking the soup, her parents saw Ji Sung look at her and kept his gaze on her with a smile on his face.

"There he goes, staring at her again as if it's the first time he's seen such a beautiful human being," her father complained in jest.

"Our daughter IS beautiful," her mother said. "Shouldn't you be happy that the man she adores, loves her as much in return?"

Her father snorted, not being comfortable with romantic topics concerning their daughter, but her mother knew he was glad. After all, he cornered Ji Sung as soon as they got back and had been showing various parts of the house. They even discussed the home's plumbing.

They helped set up the table and when she got a chance to pull Jin Ah, she asked, "Did you visit the lake?"

"No, Eomma. We didn't have time."

"Oh, well," her mother said, expressing the same disappointment she felt.

As they were putting the completed meal out to the table though, Ji Sung randomly asked, "Hey, we have a few more hours tomorrow. Didn't you tell me something about a lake around here?"

Jin Ah nodded.

"Do you mind if we go see it?" he asked.

"Not at all. Let's go there tomorrow before we head back to Seoul."

Her mother gave Jin Ah a knowing look but said nothing.

They spent the evening sharing more stories with her parents, although if Jin Ah were honest, it was more stories of her antics when she was a child.

"I made Jin Ah learn how to fix things around the house, which she did. But when she was younger, she wouldn't listen to me tell her how to use a screwdriver and the other tools. One day, after our lesson, she showed me her work and she had painted all the tool handles pink," her father shared, chuckling.

"I did manage to build my own study desk though," Jin Ah declared proudly.

"Yes, you have become quite handy around the house. That's very good," her Appa agreed. "She doesn't build as much anymore though. And she's terrified of the electrical items." Turning to Ji Sung he said, "I am quite old and have difficulties completing some tasks. Do you mind if I show you?"

"Appa! We can call an electrician if we need help," Jin Ah said.

"What for? Ji Sung-ah is here."

Jin Ah and Ji Sung were stunned with how her father acted like he was already a part of the family, while Jin Ah's mother simply smiled. Whatever Ji Sung felt, he covered quickly with a bright smile. Nodding, he said, "Of course. Please feel free to call me if any help is required."

"Of course, you don't have to rush all the time. You need to work on that entertainment business of yours," Appa said.

That hit Ji Sung hard. His own father, after all, did not accept him fully. Ji Sung excused himself to go to the restroom, while Jin Ah's tears were now flowing freely. While Ji Sung was gone, Jin Ah went in to hug her father. "Thank you, Appa. Thank you. Ji Sung needed that."

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