Chapter 3

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Lory pov
I went to go take a nap.DURING NAP I woke up in a house with a little girl who keeps scaring the shit out of me then I can hear luke chuckle in the back round then I yelled "luke,stop" then the girl popped out and scared me I screamed then ran.i came upon a hallway there stood a clown with an ax I ran as fast as I could but it followed me I got to a dead end and it was 3 feet away from me I couldn't take it anymore I sat down and brought my knees to my eyes and started crying then I woke up and luke was there I scooted away from him. Then luke said "you look pretty sleeping" then I said "why do you do this to me" he said "it's funny" I just got sad cause it doesn't hurt him but it hurts me.i guess he noticed and scooted next to me and said "sorry" then he hugged me and said said "goodnight" then I got confused and it all went black.

I woke up but something was strange luke wasn't here to scare me I called luke but nothing I walked downstairs and food was on the counter I was hungry so I ate I put the dishes in the sink and there was a note from luke and it read "meet me in the living room at 9:30" it was only 8:50 so I ran to my room and changed and did a basic coat of concealer,maskera,and Chapstick now it was 9:29 I rand and luke appeared and he said to him but I said no then he yelled at me and said to stab him so I did I got scared and then he fell and appeared in back of me then he explained how being a demon works he said "boy demons read minds,control your dreams,and can physically harm you girl demons can see the future,disappear,and have magic powers" then I asked luke how to become a demon he said "to put out my right wrist" so i did then he bit my wrist then it burned and I bit my lip then Luke kissed my wrist and disappeared then he said "you're not a demon yet you're still human if I bit you harder you'll turn into a demon" i asked how does it work he said "it works by mixing pleasure with pain" when he disappeared it was already 10:00 pm and I went to bed.

I woke up and I ran downstairs no luke no note nothing I got scared and yelled luke nothing then I got sad and watched tv 2 hours later luke appeared and I ran and hugged him I said "I missed you" he hugged me back and it felt magical.

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