Chapter 20: Nickolos

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Chapter 20 Nickolos,

The next two days after the blessed event turned the castle upside down. Daily throne room proceedings were suspended until Bella awoke. Everyone focused on taking care of little Nickolos and though it was a delight for all to help, it was also a challenge because no one had any experience with babies.

The only task they grumbled between them was changing time. The entire guard fled the room when Nicholos did a number 2 and Jane was left holding him. That's how the poor unfortunate soul was always picked for the task. Whom ever had the baby when it happens changes him. It was a game of chance nobody wanted to win. She changed him reluctantly and held her nose as she threw away his nappy.

Felix and Demetri were sent out to get more baby supplies, diapers, formula, and wipes. They just seem to go too quickly. Carlisle stayed for now and informed Aro he would be there for a few days to help with all the adjustments in caring for Nickolos. He was by far the only one who actually had any contact with children.

Within a day, Aro had been running between Bella and his son. Both were equally demanding. Aro wanted to sit by Bella side and watch over her change. He comforts her with his words and touches, hoping it would ease her suffering somehow.

Nickolos began to grow from a little baby into a toddler, within a few days he was sitting up and crawling around now. All the Volturi house was in panic trying to keep track of Nickolos as he became adventurous. It was phenomenal, the baby's growth and development were fast. Aro wondered if Nickolos was going to be immortal or not. Carlisle thinks that his rapid growth has something to do with his accelerating metabolism being half and half increased It dramatically. This seems to cause rapid aging. He's saddened at the thought of losing him. He made up his mind if it came down to it, he would change Nickolos when the time came. He decided not to let him age more than 25. He couldn't bear the thought of life without his son or Bella. They were his whole life now.


Aro made his way to find his son and laughed to himself as he thought of his guard, because he knew they argued who would be the next hold the baby. He wondered who had had him this time as he turned the corner to his study. Aro smiled wider as he walked down the hall towards the unmistakable sound of his baby cooing and giggling.

As he laid hand on the doorknob, he heard Athena scold the baby to come back to her. He opened the door and flitted in soundlessly. Then he spotted the cause of the ruckus. The baby was crawling fast, high on the bookshelf, knocking books down as Athena ran under trying to get him down. Books fell on her head as she attempted to grab him. Too late however, as she did, the baby did a flit away from her hands. Aro couldn't hold back his amusement at such a sight. His over 1000-year-old aunt was struggling to handle an infant just born 2 days ago. It was only the other day; he remembered the first time Athena held Nickolos. She looked in his bright leafy green eyes as she held him, and she was hooked, line and sinker. Caius stood by her side and brushed Nickolos's soft curly black hair away from his face and commented how Nickolos's rosy cheeks, little nose and pouty lips were just like his Mommy's.

Aro observed in amusement thinking to himself. The almighty evil Caius conquered by tiny baby and reduced to a sentimental mush.

''Oh Caius, I can't believe I'm an aunt. We have, a new nephew! '' she exclaimed as if she would cry and happiness.

Caius put his arms around her and laughed at her joyful babble and Aro heard something about spoiling rotten and that she would always have sweets. Aro was shook out of his musings as a vase came crashing down and shattered at Athena's feet.

''Please Nikki, come down! Auntie will give you a cookie!'' Athena pleaded as she dodged more books as they fell around her head.

What a mess, the study was littered with books from one end to the other. Aro was confused however, how his little whirlwind got up that high by himself.

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