Chapter 1: Finding the Storm

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       "Cats of all clans! Tonight's gathering is to start now!" a yellow she-cat yowled into the air, and the clearing silenced to nothing more than an echo of her words.

       "Thank you, Yewstar," a light tan tom spoke, dipping his head to an unusually large tom.

       "As Voltstar has said, thank you," he spoke, voice deep and unflinching. "RazorClan is doing fine. However, if FrostClan could do the clans a favor and rid us of a fox, we'd be thankful."

       "Sharpstar, you mouse brain. FrostClan decides for itself!" a large, grey she-cat spoke, hissing into the clearing. "Surely you haven't forgotten that!"

       "Of course not, Marblestar," Sharpstar mewed, then sighed.

       "Now then," Marblestar stepped up to the ledge they were standing on, "FrostClan has been finding weird scents from no known clan or twolegplace. Until we find out, we will hold any trespasser prisoner." The other leaders, including Marblestar, nodded to Voltstar, who took Marblestar's place.

       "Speaking of strange scents, BellowsClan has also had this trouble. I shall be taking a few of my warriors to do extra patrols around our border. If we find anything, the other clans will be notified," Voltstar meowed, his amber eyes sweeping across the opening. Some of the cats nodded their approval, and others just watched him. "I believe this just leaves DeathClan to report."

       "Thank you, Voltstar," Yewstar walked up, then settled as she spoke. "DeathClan patrols have been attacked by foxes, but no cat has been injured, thankfully." The leaders then spoke in turn about the prey, and twolegplace. Eventually, the topic shifted to herbs.

       "BellowsClan territory has no Catmint, and we need some from any clan," Voltstar mewed, and Sharpstar nodded.

       "RazorClan has too much to use, so we shall spare some. However, we request some of the Horsetail your clan has in return."

       "That is acceptable, Sharpstar," Voltstar mewed, then nodded to Yewstar.

       "Due to the lack of injury, DeathClan can spare some herbs before Leaf-fall," Yewstar meowed. "This does not mean we shall let any cat in our territory." After Yewstar finished, the Gathering had ended. All the clans, except BellowsClan, left the clearing. Voltstar was last to rally his clan, then he beckoned a small white tom over.

       "Hallowfang," Voltstar let out a mrrow of laughter, "You were wise to have me ask for the Catmint."

       "I just don't want us to be low on any supplies. We need to get back and be ready to go at sunrise tomorrow, Voltstar," Hallowfang gave a curt nod, with Voltstar mimicking his motion. The two, with the rest of their clan, left for home. When they had reached camp, Voltstar suddenly hissed and narrowed his eyes. Right in front of the camp was a badger, trying to find its way into the cave that led into the mountain, which harbored their whole clan. Voltstar dashed at the badger, clawing his way through one of its hind legs, and then going for a bite on a front leg. "Voltstar! You're the only leader who hasn't lost a life yet! Don't lose one now!" Voltstar paid no attention as he tried to find the throat, only to be swept aside by Yewstar.

       "Let me help you here," she growled, launching herself onto the badger's back, biting down with as much pressure she could muster. Hallowfang led his clan around the scene, and into the cave. Once his clan was safely inside, Hallowfang turned and faced the badger himself.

       "Are you an idiot?! If you die, I won't forgive myself," Voltstar narrowed his eyes at Hallowfang. "Go and get Marblestar!" Yewstar yowled as she was flung off and landed beside Voltstar.

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