chapter 1

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huey let out a hefty grunt as he carried a heavy box down his friends steep ladder. he moved carefully downward feeling the ladder rungs rub uncomfortably against his arm. he threw the box to the side, as he reached the last rung and nearly fell over with the box. it landed with something sounding like it shattered.

he regained his balance and took his hat off to run his fingers through his hair and wipe the sweat from his forehead. he glanced around at the few dozen boxes he and his friend had brought down before glancing up the ladder and called to his friend.

"hey webby, what's all this for again?" he put his hat back on his head as he stepped forward to get her in his view.

she turned around to look at him, "um.." she carefully crouched down to sit at the top of the ladder, "you remember how you were wondering what happened to your parents?"

he cringed at the reminder. he had asked his uncle about it, who he's been living with, and the answer wasn't as great as he had hoped. his uncle simply put it at his father left before he was born because he didn't want kids, and his mother went adventuring somewhere far off and they lost contact.

he wasn't sure what he was hoping the answer would be but that definitely wasn't it.

he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, "yeah?"

she jumped down the ladder and landed next to him, "well i think i've found something," she turned her head and glanced over all the boxes. "i'm not sure about you," she walked over and crouched down to one box in particular that had 'attic' written on the side with a thick black sharpie. "but, i never believed what mcduck told us about your parents, and i might've found something," she commented as she opened the box and started looking through it.

he was somewhat surprised. he wasn't ever really bothered by the fact his parents weren't in the picture, but webby proving his uncle wrong would be interesting.

intrigued, he walked over and sat down next to her. he looked in the box and it was filled with big old books and an old pilot hat.

webby sat on her knees and pulled out a book about an inch thick, it looked like it came straight out of the 1800s.

she held the book up for him to see. "look! isn't it wonderful!" he looked at the book then at her in bewilderment, he had barely a clue where she was going with this.

"what it is?" he had a feeling it was something to do with his family tree, but webby could come up with anything from nothing. he studied it before taking the book in his own hands to get a better look. he brushed off the front of it, getting some of the dust off of the cover. it wasn't very pretty, it was a worn brown with 'Clan Mcduck' written on the cover with 'vol. 6' in smaller writing under it. it had an indented design along the spine which was outline with some sort of flaky gold.

she grabbed the book back from him and quickly smacked it against the ground, while keeping her hands firmly gripping it, "it's a book containing unlimited mcduck knowledge!" she let go of the book and let out an excited squeal.

he couldn't share her excitement. he knew nothing he could want to know would be in this book, noting the fact it was probably from centuries before he was born. "maybe, but what's so special about it? this one book alone couldn't possibly answer any questions we may have."

webby continued smiling through his doubt, "oh of course not hubert," she went back to the box and flipped over a few books, "i noticed that this was the only clan mcduck book in this box," she looked back at huey and smiled. "so, wanna help me look in other boxes for more?"

"oh uh yeah, sure." he said as he stood up and dusted off his behind.

she smiled at him before she hopped up and kicked the box across the room towards the door.

they spent about 30 minutes going through the other boxes, flipping through any books that seemed they might uncover anything. huey closed the last box he had to look through and sighed, "i don't think there's anything in these, we're just wasting time webby." he looked over at his friend who now had the pilot hat on.

she was leaning against her wall full of shelves with one of the old books in her hands flipping quickly through the pages. she closed the book rather quickly and looked back at her friend, "you're right." her face was a mix of regret and frustration. she threw the book down on one of the boxes and walked over to him. "i'm sorry, i was just really hoping-"

"it's okay," he cut her off sympathetically smiling. "we just have to find some other way to find the mcduck family history." his smile turned weak as he wasn't too sure if there was another way.

she frowned and slid the hat off her head and blankly looked at it. huey started tapping his finger against his leg as he tried to think of anything to continue webbys quest. "are there any scrooge themed museums or libraries or anything around duckburg?" the thought sounded stupid to huey but webby knows way more about his uncle than he does.

after a moment webbys head perked up. she smiled widely and looked at him, "huey you're a genius!" leaving him with no explanation she grabbed his hand and ran toward the door dropping the hat on the way out.

she dashed quickly out the door and took a sharp right. she dragged him down the hall to the lobby of the manor and down the first set of stairs. she stopped at the top of the platform for a moment before walking down the second set of stairs, "so, i remembered at scrooge's money bin there's the archives. i bet it has the books we need to find something about your parents."

huey stopped her at the bottom of the staircase, "what is it, the archives?" he had never heard of it before. he barely listened when his uncle talked of the bin because it didn't interest him, but if it could help them find something he kinda wished he had listened a bit.

she smiled at him, "it's scrooges private underground library, but it has so much information about clan mcduck hidden inside." she let go of his hand and twirled with glee, "i've tried to go down there before but it's only accessible to kin. and guess what?! you're scrooge mcduck's nephew, so we'll have to be let in!" she giggled. "okay wait here." she said as she dashed off around the corner.

huey wasn't too sure about this, but he let webby go off with her plan anyway. he sat down on the first step of the staircase and waited.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2020 ⏰

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