Chapter Five

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I wasn't worried about the dinner party now after what had happened with Draco and I, I felt so good about myself. I've officially landed the boy I've wanted. Draco and I walked down stairs and met our parents by the entrance to greet guests. "Elizabeth, what's that?" My mother asked holding the necklace that was still around my neck in her fingers. "it was a gift." I said pulling away before she broke it. "From whom, may I ask?" My mother said looking angry. "Draco." I replied. "He said his father made him give it to me." I added so she wouldn't question it. My shook her head and fixed her hair as the doors opened. The Malfoys stood next to us, Draco and I in the middle. He wrapped his hand around my waist and I tired to play it cool. Carlisle peaked behind out parents to see Draco's arm around me. Carlisle made a face then smirked, getting an idea to get me in trouble later. As everyone arrived we all sat down at the large table and began to eat dinner. I was worried about what my brother would say to my parents later. Draco was seated next to me and leaned over to say something. "Are you okay?" He whispered in my left ear. I looked at his and shook my head left and right. He nodded and then put his cup down. "Mother may we be excused, I promised Lizzy Beth I'd help her with her homework she needs done when we return to school." Draco asked turning to Narcissa. "Of course dear." Narcissa said with a smile. Draco stood up and took my hand. I watched as my parents studied me, Carlisle slipped some whispers into my father's ear and then smirked at me. "Nice excuse." I said as Draco lead me to his room. "They usually don't pay attention, at least my father doesn't." Draco said shutting the door. "Are you alright though?" Draco added. "I'm afraid my brother is going to tell my parents something, something he saw with us." I said fiddling with the necklace on my neck. "He saw your hand on my waist tonight." I added looking up at Draco ad tears formed in my eyes. I held the back, i didn't want to cry. "Then, I'll say i didn't." Draco grabbed my hands to have stand with him. "I-I think they gonna hurt me." My voice broke with every word as I let slip my face. "Don't cry." Draco pulled me into hug. "I'm sorry." I said crying into his chest. "Don't apologize Lizzy." Draco said playing with a piece of my hair. "I won't let them touch you." Draco added he handed me one of his t shirts and pair of sweatpants to change into. After I changed we laid on the bed in complete silence. It was nice just him and I once again. He held me close and told me everything would be okay. I fell asleep in his arms that night. I woke up in an empty bed and figured that Draco had brought me back to own my room but as I looked around I realized i was still in his room. I heard the shower running in Dracos bathroom. I ran across the hall to my room to get dressed, setting the clothes Draco had let me borrow on the dresser. I would return them later today. I walked down to breakfast and saw Draco already at the table. "Goodmorning Elizabeth." My mother chimed. I smiled and took a seat next to my awful brother. "So snogging with malfoy." My brother whispered into my ear. I turn my head slightly as my smiled faded. "Shut up Carlisle." I whispered back. I saw draco raise his eyebrows. He could tell something was bothering me. "Elizabeth, I assume you got the papers done for school last night." y mother looked at me her eyes saying something else. "Yes mother, I did." I said rubbing the necklace between my fingers. "Good, you'll all be returning to Hogwarts soon." My mother smiled at Narcissa who smiled back. 

-1 week later-

"Your brother informs me other wise." My father had grabbed my wrists before i was able to run. "You're an ungrateful slut!" My father shouted. I looked up at my brother in tears. "What did you tell him!?" I shouted. "Only the truth, you slept with Draco the other night." My brother said with a disgusted face. My mother stood back and watched as my father called me every name he could think of. Before he had a chance to put a hand on me someone walked through the door. "Back off!" A voice shouted and I saw Draco stepping in front of me. "What the hell is wrong with you people, shes your daughter and your treat her like shit next your son!" Draco shouted helping me up. We walked out leaving my parents speechless. "Your an idiot, my parents are going to do something to you." I said as Draco sat me on my bed. "Let them, I made a promise to you Lizzy Beth, I said i wouldn't let them touch you." Draco sat next to me and wrapped his arms around me. "What did they say to you?" He asked lifting my head up. "That I was a slut, because my brother said we slept together." I said wiping the tears off my face. "i tried to tell them he was lying, they obviously didn't listen." I added. "Draco!" I voice shouted form downstairs. Draco stood up reaching fo my hand. We walked down stairs, you could tell i've been crying, eyes red and puffy. "Did you sleep with Elizabeth?" Lucius shouted walking up to Draco. "No!" Draco shouted in defense. "Yes you did!" Carlisle shouted back. "I think I would know If i slept with her, and like you would even know!" Draco shouted at my brother. "Draco!" Narcissa shouted and grabbed her sons face. "Are you telling the truth?" She asked. "Yes mother, I am. Do you even know what these people do to her?" Draco said pulling away. "Draco, no." I said grabbing his hand. "Please." i begged. "They beat her mother, for no reason." Draco said. I started crying as my parents looked at me with hate in their eyes. Narcissa looked at me then back at Lucius who was looking at my parents. "Is this true?" Narcissa looked at mother. "I told she's a bad kis, sometimes you have to disapline kids like her." My father said. "Show the Salvatore's out please." Narcissa said to one of the house elves. My mother reached for my arm but Narcissa tucked me behind her. "She'll be staying." She said looking at Draco who looked relieved. My family was gone in the next hour. Lucius and Narcissa made me tell them everything. I was afraid what they would do now knowing i was a gryffindor, but they didn't see to care just happy I was safe, that shocked me.

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