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Hinata had always been made fun of for looking like a guy. She hated it. Her bright orange hair stuck out in every direction possible, some resting just above her almond shaped eyes. They gave a striking impression of a guy. But then again, it was who she was, what gave them the right to judge? Yes, she had boyish features, but did it look like she could help it? She was used to people making negative remarks about her looks. You look like a boy, they mocked. She did everything she could. From wearing hair bands to growing her hair out, she tried. She tried to meet others' expectations about her looks.

At family gatherings, Hinata was always told to "sit like a lady" or "eat like a lady". She tried, but it was never enough. She hated those comments and often liked to gobble up her food messily just to show them who's boss. But in the end, she still found herself eating her meals in front of the mirror. Watching herself. Giving a second thought about the way she was sitting each time. It affected her, and she didn't like it.

So when Hinata was given the chance to finally be herself, she grabbed it. She grasped it within her calloused fingers like she was waiting for it all her life, without thinking of what she had just landed herself in.

— — —

"E-Ehhhhh?!?! There isn't a girls' volleyball team in this school?!" Hinata blinked and stared at Sensei unbelievingly with wide brown eyes.

"Yes, I'm sorry but you would have to find another club to join." Sensei replied while flipping through and marking some papers.

"B-But I double-checked on the school website that they had one!" Hinata stuttered, panicking.

"Ah, they must have forgotten to update it," Sensei looked up. "The girls' volleyball team was removed because of the lack of members last year."

Hinata sighed in defeat and trudged through the door of the teacher's office. She joined Karasuno for volleyball, and now she's told that she can't play?

"Stupid girls' volleyball team." Hinata mumbled. "I wish I weren't a girl. Things would be so much easier."

Hinata stopped in her tracks as the best idea at that moment seemed to hit her. I wish I weren't a girl. Hadn't she always been teased for looking like a boy? Hadn't she always been told to act like a lady? Now's her chance. Hinata grinned, determination burning in her eyes. It's time to be a boy.


 this is my first fanfic, hope you enjoyed the prologue! constructive feedback is very welcome! thank you for reading <3

- oceanxtte -

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