Hello! (Lil intro)

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Hey guys! Jules here!

So I haven't been that motivated, and Luna has been busy, so I'm just gonna spit something out to get things rolling. We have plenty of ideas, we just need time. But for now I'm just gonna show you all the main characters Luna and I use in stories and stuff.

(Keep in mind that we didn't make all of these! We only made the first two I will be listing. The rest belong to their respective creators. This is just our interpretations. Carry on!)

First up, we have Luna herself! She's different from the other author on this account, I promise. Luna's got black hair, it changes from time to time, and brown eyes. She's a little bi bean that rocks red and black. Even through all her issues, she's so precious and I LOVE HER! I didn't make Luna, so I'm not really one to put all her stuff here, so if my co-author wants to add it, she's very welcome to.

Next, we've got Jules! Also different from me. She's a smol little angry idiot with emotional issues and horrible memory. (Partly because she smokes weed-) She's got shoulder length brown hair, blue eyes, and brown wolf ears and a tail. She doesn't like them though, but I'll get into that another time. Speaking of that, she also has hydrokinesis (manipulation of water), which doubles as occasional changes in weather and atmosphere depending on how she's feeling. Again, she's not a huge fan of her powers. Story for another time. Also, she's a biro/ace! I've been talking for too long ONTO THE NEXT ONE-

Next up we got ur boi Actor Mark! Or just Mark. Idk. Although he used to be a complete scumbag that used the whole family for the better part of three years, he's come a long way. And he's very gay now. I guess he's pan but it doesn't matter. I would get into all the stuff he did, but it's very deep and dark and some of it may be triggering, so I'll get into it another time. But he's a very good guy now! Oh and Luna's his little sister. They have the cutest sibling relationship I've ever seen besides like Dipper and Mabel. You know it's good if I'm comparing it to Dipper and Mabel.

Next we got Dark and Wilford! They're married in this book so sorry if you don't ship Darkstache. (I also ship an Abestache-) But Dark is just a ball of grumpy and cute but also don't piss him off or you're gonna have this tall ass demon up your ass. His only comforts are his family, specifically Wilford and Jules. (And Luna, but that can get complicated.) Although he can be a scumbag, he's actually a very compassionate person if you know what to look for. Wilford, on the other hand, is a big little goofball and everyone loves him! How could you hate him? He's precious. But he can't be left alone with candy for extended periods of time. Oh, but do not by any means get on his bad side. He'll shoot your dick off, even if you don't have one. But much like Dark, his family is his main priority. Protect them both. Please-

Next we got Google and Bing! Both are androids that used to be human, but aren't anymore. I would get into the details but this is already going on for longer than I thought. I'll explain backstories another time! But Google is a very analytical and cold person on the outside. He just always seems to be a huge grouch. However, he actually has some very deep rooted stuff going on in that little robot heart. And he's very confused by himself sometimes. (Btw him and Jules are a thing- THEY'RE SO CUUUUUUTE UGH-) Moving on to Bing, he's a tall little gay robot boy! He's much more emotional based than Google, and although both couldn't feel emotions for a time, when Bing does they smack him in the face. Their programs were changed so they could feel by Luna. Bing is also together with Mark. The only way I could describe them is... boy toy. Even though they both genuinely love each other. YES I KNOW THE SHIP IS VERY OUT OF THE ORDINARY BUT BEAR WITH ME-

Next we got Yancy! Baby boy that's with Luna. That's all you have to know. And he has a Jersey accent. I haven't worked with him and his backstory all that much, so I'll be sure to keep him up to date with you all. But all you need to know is that I love him.

Next up, we have Yandere-Chan, aka Yandereplier, aka Ayano! She's a trans girl, and is Wilford's biological daughter. At least in our canon. When William and Celine first did da nasty, Celine got pregnant with Yan-Chan, and William took her after she was born. But when he went insane, Yan-Chan couldn't really stay with him and kinda just went off on her own. But then Wilford found her again and they're a happy insane little duo! Like I said, Yan-Chan is transgender, so she was born male, but identifies as female. And everyone is very supportive of the babygirl. Also her senpai is Antisepticeye because me and Luna thought that would be funny. ANYWAY-

Speaking of that, Anti is up next! ANGRY GAY BEAN! He can be soft sometimes, but he just always seems to be pissed off about something. Maybe his neck still hurts. Who knows. He's Dark's third in command, even though they argue from time to time. He also HATES Actor Mark with a burning passion. They coexist and argue. That's about it most of the time.

Next up we got Illinois James! He's a flirty explorer, constantly getting into crazy adventures and trouble. If he sees someone, they're his next flirting target. Doesn't matter who it is. (Unless it's like- a child- he has limits.) But as suave as Illinois seems, like everyone, he has weaknesses and insecurities. But luckily he's got someone to keep him company.

And that would be Erik Derekson! I haven't seen many people ship Illinois and Erik, but I think the dynamic is adorable. Anyway, Erik is a soft baby boy, fresh out of college. He lost his siblings, mother, and basically anything he really loved when he was fairly young. That left him with only his father, Derek Derekson, who had become cold through all the loss. Erik is also gay, even though he grew up in a homophobic household. He's good friends with Jules, and they just talk to each other about their problems and drive each other to therapy. And what more could you really want out of a friend?

Second to last, we have the Host! Everyone's favorite blind baby! He's Dark's second in command and right hand man. He speaks in the third person and narrates everything around him. Anything he writes down will become reality if he pleases. He's your favorite asexual legend, and is a bit of a trickster if I'm honest. Host is pretty quiet, but mostly because he doesn't wanna bother anyone. Since he has no eyes, he's pretty grumpy most of the time since they still hurt a bit. But deep down, he's the most loyal and caring baby ever.

Closing things off, we have BlankGamePlays, or just Blank. This boy... oh, this boi. He is a living mood swing. One minute he'll be a perfect gentleman, the next he'll be a horny bastard, the next he'll be an emotional wreck. He's an old friend of Dark and Anti's, they're all evil bois together. Blank is basically an advisor to Dark. Also Blank is omnisexual, because I don't see enough omni characters. Blank in flirty mode is either your dream come true or your worst nightmare, no in between. But we all love him anyway!

I think that concludes our cast! I know, there's a lot of them, and that was a lot to process. And I've barely gotten into backstories. There is one character I won't be saying the backstory for during this book though. It would make spoilers for another project of me and Luna's.

But this book will just be a bunch of random stuff we wanna write! You can leave anything you want the characters to do or say or whatever you want! A lot of it will be out of context stuff, so don't mind us. We're just gonna have some fun!

With that being said, peace out, and stay tuned!

-Luna and Jules

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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