Chapter two

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"Sorry about your coffee by the way i wasn't looking" "don't worry about it your fine" he said reassuring me. "Well we're gonna go start grabbing stuff out of the car well see you soon" Nico said while starting to walk through the door with me following "here i'll come and help to" ryder spoke up "you don't want to say hi to hi to Jules first?" Nico said, starting to get a little defenseful in my opinion. Ryder just shrugged his shoulder "it can wait a second, she's talking to Aramis anyway" "alright cool thank you" i say while we all walk down the stairs and to the car. The first thing I do is scavenge around for a new shirt to put on. I end up just finding a black welcome t- shirt which is fine. "What do you want us to grab?" NIco shouts from the other side of the car. "Uh what about these" I point them into the direction of a few cardboard boxes filled with a mixture of books, clothes and bedding. Ryder got the box with books and stacked another on top. "Woah you good there" i said while laughing because he seemed to rock back and forth for a second "yeah" he said laughing back Nico grabbed a box and i did the same then we went back up. We walked into Jules and Aramis still sitting on the counter talking "you guys plan on helping us at some point?" Nico said grabbing Jules attention "RYDERRR" she ran up and hugged him making him accidentally drop the boxes "oh shit" he said and i instantly bent down to pick my stuff up, he did the same. "My bad" he said "it's fine this is gonna be my corner anyways" he helped me get everything back into the boxes then fully says hi to Jules giving her a hug. "Well I ordered chinese food for everyone that should be here soon we probably have enough time to make one trip to the car" she says "do you think we can try and get the mattresses? I don't think it should be that hard as long as everyone helps. ''I say "yeah we can try that" ryder said, keeping direct eye contact with me the whole time making me look down at my feet in embarrassment. "Shut your lil ass up ryder you can't carry a mattress" Aramis said trying to make a joke "watch me" he said and then ran to the door Aramis followed him then Nico. Jules and I went just at just a slower pace "so Nicos pretty cute right" she said while nudging me "I mean yeah sure" which was true they all were but for some reason Ryder was really sticking out to me, which is weird because I've barely talked to him.

Once Jules and made it to the parking lot the guys had already gotten both mattresses off the roof and were carrying them "lemme help" i said while running to them before they dropped them in a puddle. I grabbed a corner next to Ryder and Jules grabbed one next to Nico. "you gotta put your back into it" Aramis called out, making everyone laugh. Getting the mattresses up the stairs was the hardest thing I've ever done but we eventually got it. We were walking down the hallway to the apartment door greeted by the take out delivery man. "Hang on we'll pay you in one second," Ryder said while jules opened the door and we all dropped the mattress down first thing. I layed on the mattress while it fell down then didn't want to get up ryder jumpedd down on to it laying close to me while Jules paid the delivery guy. "So where's your corner again?" I let out a laugh then pointed to the corner of the room with two windows and the porch door close by. "Cool do you wanna move this over there?" "yeah just give me a second.. tired" making him laugh this time. Then I got up and we slid it across the room to my corner. "FOOD" jules called out and everyone stopped doing what they were doing and went to the kitchen i was the first to grab my food and i went back to my corner going threw old photos to hang up on my wall. I was sitting criss cross on the bare mattress with a box of chinese food in my hands looking like a little kid when Ryder came up to me "your not gonna eat with everyone in the kitchen" i shrugged my shoulders "eah im sure there will be another chinese dinner at some point" "true, mind if i join you?" "Go ahead, I'm not doing anything interesting," He sat across from me holding his chinese food box the same as me. "So do you plan on going to college?" he asked "uh i don't know yet, i really don't want to but my subconscious is telling me to at least go to a community college just incase, what about you?'' "i don't think college is really for me i didn't like school too much and without school i can skate more and stuff" "oh that's right jules said she met you guys at the skatepark that completely crossed my mind" he put his hand over his neck in an awkward way "yeah i skate sometimes" "that's really cool, im not to good or anything but i know some of the basics" he nodded his head then really fast let out a "we should go skate together sometime" i wasn't expecting that so im sure my face looked a little lost. "I mean only if you want" "no yeah i'd like that here let me give you my number" i said while reaching over my bed into my backpack and grabbing my phone. I unlocked it then handed it to him "or you could put your number in" and he did "cool" i say "i'm normally free so you can just text me whenever you want and we can skate sometime"he said "sounds fun" i said while smiling. Aramis came up to us after we talked more "ryder you ready to go" he said while hitting him over the shoulder he took a quick look at me "yeah sure " he got up i waved goodbye "text me" he said while pointing at me then walking out the door with the other guys.

I was putting sheets on my bed when Jules came over "what did you think?" "there really cool" "good'' she said "i think Nico has a thing for you" i looked at her in shock "wha- me?" I said, i wasn't expecting that. Yeah when you were talking to Ryder i was trying to talk to him and he just kept on looking over at you guys. "He was probably just looking at Ryder hoping he would notice so they could leave" "I don't think so Shay but think whatever you want" i laughed a little "well i think i'm gonna go to sleep now" "you do that I have more stuff to unpack". We had gotten everything out of the car however everything was just stacked up and we needed to go threw it all at some point. The guys left at 1:30am and i finally fell asleep at 2:40.

I woke up at 10:30 to a few notifications on my phone but only one stood out.

@rydermclaughlin followed you on instagram

I clicked on his profile with my eyes still sleepy. Until I sat up so fast I nearly woke Jules up. "Omg" i whispered to myself and covered my mouth with my hand in shock. He had 127 thousand followers. I was scrolling threw to try and figure out why oh my god he's a pro skater who was in a movie. I talked to a pro skateboarder last night I TALKED TO HIM ABOUT SKATING omg. I probably looked so stupid i didnt know who he fucking was. I hit myself over the head. Then realized wait i didn't give him my instagram he looked that up himself. I started laughing to myself. Oh. my. God he looked me up, i don't know if that's good or bad. I followed him back then texted him almost immediately .

 I followed him back then texted him almost immediately

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2020 ⏰

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