Strings of fate

819 18 7

It was late like around after midnight kinda late

I still ain't tired but anyway
I'm walking down the street seeing the red string attached to my (pink/ring finger) on my (left/right) hand

'Fucking string keeps on getting tighter and tighter, I feel kinda bad for the other person who has the same string as mine...

No no I don't , never mind they can suffer as well'

I let out a huff as I continued to walk in the cold

I heard a high pitched giggle as I passed by a alley

I stopped and walked backwards back towards the alley and turned so that I could look in there

A sharp tug which resulted in me falling face first into the cement

And soon enough a pair of small arms wrapped around my torso preventing me from falling

Looking up I was met with yellow (or gold?) cat like eyes looking down at me like I was a piece of meat

Quickly getting back up I dusted off myself while the (shorter/taller) girl looked (down/up) at me

She let out another high giggle and continued to stare at me

"Ahh~ are you a cutie?"

I looked back at the small female but I took a longer look at her while she was rambling on about how I looked

But then I noticed that she was covered in blood



The string...

It's gone

Looking back up from my hand and noticed that she had stopped talking and was now smiling wickedly
While walking towards me

"You finally noticed~"

Looking at her eyes

She pulled out a bloodied knife while roughly pushing my back into a wall

"So your my soul mate"

I quickly piped up

This must have caught her off guard as she stopped what she was doing and dropped the red dipped metal

And Now was staring at me with wide yellow (or gold?) eyes

After a good full 5 minutes of just staring at me
She quickly clung onto my chest

Legs wrapped around my waist while she buried he face into my neck

"I finally found you~"

"My love~"

I was quickly procrastinating that I just found my soul mate

My soul mate!

I quickly wrapped my arms around her while spinning in a circle a bit

" my soulmate I found you!!"

I bursted out
We quickly stopped and I put down my bloody partner but as soon as I looked back up I saw a body behind her but not getting a close look
But , eh who cares?

Looking back at her with wide e/c eyes , then relaxed

this was confusing her but then it must have dawned to her that she had completely forgot about the body

"Ohh~ don't mind that dead meanie over there , he was being such a rude man, he tried to molest me! So I did what was right~ I killed him~"

Oh how blind I was to not see through that lie

With a shake of my head I was quick to bridle style picked her up and walk out of the alley

" I don't care if you are a killer toga , your my little bean to me so I must protect you even if it means to continuously be on the run"

After what I said she didn't say anything more but just buried her face into my chest


Unnoticed by me she was smiling widely while unhealthy thoughts filled her head that she had finally earned and got her senpai's love


Authors POV

As the two quickly retreated into y/n's apartment
And travelling back into the dark alley way that was only lit by one red sign that was on top of the building

A lifeless body laid the blood still leaking all over

Streaks of red littered all along both walls with the words 'she's MINE' , 'stay away from THEM'
And things like that

While looking closely at the body the eyes where ripped out of the body while the jaw was nearly falling off the mans face due it being broken and cut open then torn right through and a hole were the heart was , pieces hanging all over the place as well

But what stands out the most

was that

this man


None other then

Your brother

Izuku midoryia

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