Chapter 1

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good music choice! Xxx – LiLi;)’ I stared at the text in confusion. How would Liam know what I’m listening to? He’s promoting in, Paris I think, so he probably sent it to the wrong person.

I think you sent that to the wrong person, LiLi. Missing you Xoxo – Lexi<3’ I turned my attention back to my stereo. It was blasting I Want by One Direction, I sung along loudly to it.

“I want, I want, I want, but that’s crazy!

I want, I want, I want, but that’s not me!

I want, I want, I want, to be loved by you!”

Liam would think its good music; after all, he is in the band that sings it. There was a strange sound, I paused the music and heard the door bell. Running down stairs I could see a figure outside, behind the door. I swung the door open in one movement. There was someone standing with their back to me, they had a blue hoodie on, the hood up. I knocked in the door to get their attention and they spun around.

“LIAM!?” I screamed. He wrapped his arms around my waist and span me around and around in circles, while I squeaked.

“Hey, Alexis! How are you!?” my cousin said as he set me back inside the house, I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him close.

“Fine! How are you? What are you doing here!” I let go of him and stepped back to look at his face, he had his hair cut since I saw him last, but that was sometime two years ago. He had a huge toothy grin plastered on his face and it probably mirrored mine.

“Yea I’m fine thanks, Lex. We have a break so I thought I’d come and visit you, maybe stay for a while?” he said I grabbed his arm and pulled him inside.

“Yea, dad would be happy to have you! God! It’s great to see you! How was Paris?” he slipped his trainers off and sat down in the living room.

“It was… EPIC! Amazing, we had so much fun! Where’s Delilah? And your dad?” he looked around, relaxing into the leather. Delilah Cassie is my sister she is 22 and I’m 18. My name is Alexis Eve Payne; yes we are Liam Payne’s cousins.

“Glad you enjoyed it. Lily is out with her fiancé, walking the dog, and dad is at work.” I said casually, Lily is my sister’s nickname. Liam’s mouth dropped into an ‘o’.


“Oh, yea, they got engaged last year” I looked at his shocked face “when you were too busy to come and visit us.” I joked, lightly punching his shoulder.

“I couldn’t help that, you know. But who is it? Is it that guy I met last year, what was his name? Um, Kalvin?”

“No. Alvin Rosser. Do you remember him then?” he shrugged. “Ok, do you want something to drink?” I tried to change the subject, Liam just nodded “Water?” he nodded. When I was in the kitchen I grabbed 2 glasses and filled them with water. I could her singing from the living room and smiled. Liam was singing I Want, he sounded so good, like an angel, but that was weird, he’s my cousin. I took the glasses in and put them on the table, Liam immediately sat forward and downed his glass. I shook my head and sat down next to him.

“What’s this guy like then?” he didn’t look at me, just down at his socks; I sighed and put my feet up on the table. He was so protective!

“He’s nice. Lilah really likes him and I thought you did after last time?”

“When I met him we talked for about five minuets, it was a family barbeque and I was 16.” He said coldly, I flinched at his tone, but he didn’t notice

“Oh yea, it was before X Factor…” I though about how much things had changed in just 4 or so years, they had changed too much. I used to see Liam every day, we would have sleepovers and do everything together, but today was the first day in 2 years that I had seen him. He sighed.

“So what does he look like? Has he bought anything for you?”

“Liam it’s not about weather he got me anything, he’s just friendly. He has blue eyes and blond hair, completely the opposite to us three.” I lightly laughed, knocking him out of his daydream. Delilah and I had the same hair colour and eye colour as Liam, dark brown eyes and light brown hair, but Alvin looked nothing like that, his hair was very light and his eyes where a dark blue.

“Yea” he laughed, seeming like he was back to the normal cousin I know and loved.

“Lighten up cuz! I haven’t seen you in years, and now I do, you’re grumpy!” I pushed him now, trying to make him laugh again. He turned to face me and pulled me into a hug.

“I’m sorry, Lex!” he said as I wrapped my arms around his torso and laid my head on his chest. Liam tightened his arms around my neck. “How about we go out somewhere Lex?” he was the only one I let call me Lex, it was his special nickname for me.

“Where would we go with out paps and fans and everything, LiLi?” LiLi was my nickname for him, he didn’t like it much, but knew that I loved calling him it, so he let me.

“Doesn’t matter, I wanna have fun with my cousin!” he let go of me and stood up. I stood next to him. Looking down I noticed I was still in my pyjamas.

“I need to change…” I trailed off and Liam nodded, I left sprinting off up stairs. I grabbed this ( from my wardrobe and got changed in my bathroom. When I walked down stairs I grabbed my phone ( and looked for Liam. He was back in the living room on his Iphone. “Ready?” I asked. Liam climbed out of his seat, his eyes still stuck to the screen.

“I can’t drive…” he mumbled.

“I can.” I said grabbing my keys; he looked up from his phone in shock. “A lot of things have changed since you left.” I giggled and opened the door, walking out to my car as Liam sighed and followed. I had a small car, its second hand. I climbed in and started the car. “Where we going then Li?” I looked over and saw him pushing his phone in his pocket.

“Well we could drive to London, there’s a Ralph Lauren shop there?” he said very seriously.

“London!? That’s a two and a half hour drive from Wolverhampton, and anyway, I don’t have enough money to shop in Ralph Lauren!” he gave me puppy dog eyes, he knew I couldn’t say no to them. “Gah! Ok, ok! I’ll drive us to London.” he smiled at me and wiggled in his seat.

“Oh, it’s my treat, I’ll pay” he winked at me.

Ok then, so this is my new story, i honesty have no idea where it is going so once i have the 2 chapters that are saved on my computer uploaded i will just be typing whatever comes to my head, it could honestly go anywhere, might all end up being penguins living in the Sahara dessert for all i know...:L

Tell me what you think:)

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