Chapter 5

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Did you drink water today?

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Autumn POV

"Shut up, Billie. Can you just stay quiet for the rest of the ride? Please?" I asked her frustratedly.

"Hmm... Sure. Anything for you." She rasped, leaning back in her seat. I exhale sharply and continue to focus on the road.

We arrived at my apartment complex. I slam my door shut before walking to the passenger seat to help Billie with her books.

As we were about to enter the building, I turned to my side to see if Chantel's car was parked.

Unfortunately, it was.

Meaning Chantel was home.

"Shit," I mutter and Billie looks up to me.

"What?" She asked as I pulled my phone out to call Chantel.

"Nothing, just stay here," I mandated and walked away with my phone in my ear.


"Hey, baby. Are you dressed appropriately?" I asked her.

"Yeah, why?"

"I'm coming up." I hang up and walk towards Billie, who was distracted looking around.

"Let's go," I mumbled and she followed me.

After walking up the stairs, we finally make it to my apartment door. I open it - letting Billie in first.

"Leave the books on the table, over there. I'll come in a minute."

"Hmm, make sure to spread it all over me," She winked while sitting down on the couch. I sighed and ignored her while heading to my room.

Chantel was laying down on our bed with her phone on her hand, once she noticed me come in, she smiled and sat up.

"Hi, baby." She welcomed. I smiled before pecking her on the lips.

"Hi. Uh, B-Billie is here." I advised her nervously.

She placed her palm on my chest and pushed me away. "What?"

I sniffed and stood straight as I scratched my neck awkwardly. "Yeah, she asked the principal for help and he offered to pay, well, she offered to pay me a lot of money so I said yes."

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