2: Louis and Harry?

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Louis' P.O.V

I look over to see Maddi lost in her thoughts.

"What's up Mads?" I ask.

"What? Oh, nothing. Just thinking." She responds.

"Bout what?" I say.

"I just, I swear I saw Harry at the X factor." She says, I stare at her in shock.

"Harry, Harry Styles? From battle of the band's?" I ask.

"Yeah, but I could've just been seeing things." She says quickly, obviously uncomfortable talking about Harry.

"Yeah, you probably were." I say, I turn to look out the window. It was Harry, it had to be.

We go out to eat and get home at about six. Maddi decides she wants to watch a movie so we watch Iron man, because Iron man 2 is coming out soon.

After about twenty minutes Maddi get a up and head into the kitchen, she comes back a few minutes later with a large bowl of popcorn.

"I wanted food." She says, I laugh and then back to the movie.

Its about seven thirty when the movie ends.

"What should we do now?" I ask Maddi.

"I don't know, you decide because I  chose the movie." She responds. I think for a second.

"I don't know, maybe just watch another movie?" I say, sighing at how lame I must sound.

"Ugh boring, but I'll watch one as long as it's a GOOD movie." She says

"What if we watch Harry Potter?" I say, I love Harry Potter and I know she does too.

"Okay, but which one?" She asks.

"We can watch your favourite one, because I can't decide. They are all so good." I say, Maddi sits there thinking for a second.

"Okay, we'll watch Harry Potter and The Order of The Pheonix" she decides. I nod my head and grab out the DVD.

It's 9'o'clock by the time the movie ends and Maddi is almost asleep.

"Come one love. Let's get you to bed." I say

"But I'm not tired Lou." She says groaning.

"Yes you are you almost fell asleep during the movie." I say picking her up, she can barely stay awake so I carry her to her bed. She has lived with me since she was 14, she ran away from home. She never told me or my mum why but we let her stay with us anyway.

I place her in her bed and tuck her in, giving her a kiss on the forehead goodnight.

"Night M, love you." I say, people seem to think it's weird when I say i love you to her but she's my best friend, of course I love her.

"Love you too Lou." She says drifting off to sleep. I walk back to my room and climb into bed, falling asleep quickly.

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