The Boss's New Theme

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(In The Hotel Room)

Sasha: Hey Seth?

Seth: Im in the Kitchen

Sasha: You Know you didnt have to do that last night right

Seth: Stop Talking about it Sash 

Sasha: You came to lay down with me ok?

Seth: i cant have you freaking out and that takes us out of the mixed match challenge ok?

Sasha: (Scoffs and walks back into her room and locks the door)

Seth:(kncoks on the door) Sasha im sorry 

Sasha: Go Away 

Seth: Sasha come on we need to go

Sasha: No find a new partner

Seth: I cant OK

Sasha: what do you mean?

Seth: When i heard my teammate was gonna be a NXT Call-Up I Immediately ask for a main roster partner 

Sasha: Yeah well tell Stephanie im not competing with you 

Seth: Fine Whatever 

(Seth Leaves)

(Knocks at Hotel Door)

Sasha: Who is it

Carmella: F A B U L O U S 

Sasha: MELLA!!!!

Carmella: Hey girly 

Sasha: Hows NXT?

Carmella: Good i should be asking you how is RAW

Sasha: My Mixed Match Challenge partner is a Dick

Carmella: Who? Rollins?

Sasha: Yeah i had a nightmare that my career would end due to injury and he just lays in the bed with me and when i confronted him about it this morning he told me to basically shut up and all he cared about was this Challenge

Carmella: Well Girly i gtg

Sasha: Really??

Carmella: Yeah but ill be watching you love you girly 

Sasha: Love you too 

(Carmella Leaves and Sasha Heads to The Arena)

Announcer: The Following is a Mixed Tag-Team Challenge. 

(Sky's The Limit Starts Playing)

Corey Graves: Its Boss Time

(Sasha walks out and does her entrance)

(Welcome To The Queendom Starts Playing)(Stephanie McMahon's Theme)

Stephanie: Sasha Tonight You Will not be competing with Seth 

Sasha: Then Who am i Facing McMahon

Stephanie: Your Facing....

(Fabulous Starts Playing)(Carmella's Theme)

Bryon Saxton: The Princess of Staten Island 

Sasha: Mella?

Stephanie: You can either fight Carmella or Team up with Seth Rollins

Sasha: UGHHHH Fine I'll  Team Up With Rollins

Seth: GREAT Lets get this on now plz

Sasha: Shut Up 

(20 Minutes Later)

Announcer: Your Winner's By Pin fall Charlotte Flair and Roman Reigns 

(Back at the Hotel Room)

Seth: We Just Lost Because of you

Sasha: ME? Roman PINNED YOU!!!

Seth: But Charlotte Speared you and you tagged out



Sasha: (Starts Crying) Slams Bedroom Door

Seth: Sash Im sorry


Seth: (Starts to Sleep on the Couch)

(2 Hours Later)

(Sasha's Room Door Opens)

(Sasha Looks at Seth)

Seth: See Something you like?

Sasha: Shut Up

Seth: Wait Where you Going?

Sasha: Away (Starts to leave)

Seth: (Grabs her hand)

Sasha: Seth Let go of me we not finna do this again

Seth: Come on why you acting so funny 

Sasha: Cause last time you did this we had a fight 

Seth: We Fought and now im tryna make up for it 

Sasha: OK Fine 20 Minutes 

Seth: You aint bout to put a time limit on this 

Sasha: 20 Minutes take it or leave it 

Seth: Fine Take it 

(Seth and Sasha Cuddle for 45 Minutes)

Sasha: (Texting Carmella)

C:Girl Where are you?

S: Laying in my room why?

C: Charlotte and Nia are fight with each other

S: Like a Tag Match

C: Yeah Charlotte and Nia vs Bayley and Becky Lynch

S: Damn Ill go Watch it I GTG

C: All Caps???? What are you doing??

S: Nothing bye girly.

(Seth Lets go of Sasha)

Seth: Go To Bed Sash

Sasha: OK You gonna be ok?

Seth: Yeah

(Carmella Busts in her room) 

Carmella: SASHA!!!!

Sasha: What?

Carmella: Charlotte is in The Hospital 

Sasha: I know she texted me not to come 

(Carmella Runs To the Hospital)

Sasha:(Goes to Sleep)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2020 ⏰

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